We're excited to announce the stable release of the Azure Service Bus client library for Go. Azure Service Bus is an enterprise cloud messaging service, enabling the building of scalable cloud solutions.
NOTE: If you're using the previous Azure Service Bus library for Go and would like to upgrade, we've put together a migration guide that you can ...
You may have heard that Go version 1.18 has been released. This release introduced support for generic code using parameterized types. After applying new language features and learnings from user studies, we've released new beta versions of the Azure SDK for Go management modules. We believe the new versions will provide a better development ...
In this post, we'll share the latest announcements pertaining to Azure Resource Management libraries for JavaScript and Go. We will also provide an update regarding the overall plan for Azure Resource Management libraries.
We're excited to share highlights and announcements about our new Azure management libraries from Microsoft Build last month. We've released a series of libraries for the new Azure services that we announced there. In this blog post, we'll also provide major updates on our overall product availability and roadmap.