Posts by this author

Nov 24, 2022

Android Dev Summit recap

Hello Android developers, Google is running a number of Android Dev Summit events around the world in 2022, with all sessions available to view online. Here are some of the highlights for foldable and large-screen developers: Android Dev Summit โ€“ Modern Android Development The first event, focused on Modern Android Development,...

kotlinfoldableAndroid developer
Nov 3, 2022

Activity Embedding preview for large screens and foldables

Hello Android developers, The Jetpack Window Manager (JWM) library helps you build adaptive UIs that work well on any device form factor (i.e. single screen, dual screen, foldable, and large screen devices). Jetpack Window Manager provides you with the information that you need to adapt your appโ€™s UI, so it works well on any device. For ex...

kotlinJetpack Window Managerfoldable
Aug 18, 2022

droidcon Berlin and Surface Duo video collection

Hello Android developers! This week we were inspired by a forum question about interesting Surface Duo media content and provide a variety of different video and audio resources where you can learn more about Surface Duo, foldable devices, and dual-screen Android app development! If you want to chat in person, weโ€™ll also be at these upco...

kotlinJetpack Window Managerfoldable
Jun 9, 2022

Bazel build

Hello Android developers, Today we are going to go through an interesting topic, we will learn what it is and how to use Bazel, a build and test tool similar to Make, Maven, and Gradle. Many great companies and OSS projects are already using Bazel to build their software. Would you like to try it out for your Android app? In this ...

Surface DuoBazelbuild tools
Apr 14, 2022

isSeparating: the field that unites all foldables

Hello Android developers, Today we are going to talk about a very useful field that is part of Jetpack Window Manager library. This field is called isSeparating, and will help you to understand when there is content separated by a FoldingFeature on a foldable device. The value of isSeparating will be if there is no content that i...

Surface DuokotlinDual Screen Development
Jan 13, 2022

Jetpack Window Manager release candidate

Hello Android developers! Google recently updated a number of dual-screen and foldable packages โ€“Window Manager, SlidingPaneLayout, Navigation, and Preference โ€“ to release candidate. These components can be used to create unique user experiences on the Microsoft Surface Duo and other foldable devices. Jetpack Window Manager The...

kotlinJetpack Window ManagerJava
Dec 9, 2021

Microsoft Surface Duo at droidcon

Hello Android developers! The Surface Duo Developer Experience team presented at our first in-person events this year, at droidcon in Berlin and London. droidcon Berlin We presented our brand-new Surface Duo 2 in Berlin. People loved the device and the possibilities that it offers. We delivered a talk and a workshop....

Surface DuokotlinFlutter
Oct 14, 2021

Happy Hacktober

Hello open source developers! For the past few years October has become synonymous with open source, so this year weโ€™ve decided to opt-in our samples repositories to Hacktoberfest to encourage the community to join us in building dual-screen enhanced Android projects. Figure 1: Build or contribute to apps for Microsoft Surface Duo 2...

Surface DuokotlinFlutter
Aug 19, 2021

Dual-screen Navigation Rail

Hello Android developers! Google recently published a new landing page for building responsive layouts for larger screens (including dual-screen and foldable devices). The new NavigationRail widget includes features and guidance as an efficient way to navigate app features on larger screens. About NavigationRail NavigationRail is a mat...

kotlinDual Screen DevelopmentJetpack Window Manager
May 20, 2021

Foldables at Google I/O

Hello Android developers! You've probably seen some of the awesome announcements made this week at Google I/O, a virtual event that brought the Google developer community together. This post covers some of our favorites, from sessions like Whatโ€™s new in foldables, tablets, and large screens, and Prepare your app for large screens. Enhanc...

kotlinDual Screen DevelopmentAndroid developer