November 24th, 2022

Android Dev Summit recap

Cesar Valiente
Software Engineer

Hello Android developers,

Google is running a number of Android Dev Summit events around the world in 2022, with all sessions available to view online. Here are some of the highlights for foldable and large-screen developers:

Android Dev Summit – Modern Android Development

The first event, focused on Modern Android Development, was hosted in Silicon Valley on October 24th, 2022. All sessions can be viewed from this YouTube playlist:

Android Dev Summit – Form Factors

The second event, focused on Form Factors, was hosted in London on November 9th, 2022. All sessions can be viewed from this YouTube playlist:

As you can imagine, being this second event focused on form factors there were many great interesting talks covering large-screen and foldable devices, below we are highlighting some of our favorites:

There were a few other talks that also covered large screen and foldable devices, so don’t miss the whole playlist.

Android Dev Summit – Platform

The third event, focused on Android Platform, was aired on November 14th, 2022. All sessions can be viewed from this YouTube playlist. You can learn very interesting topics such as app widgets, storage, graphics or privacy.

To coincide with the event, a number of large screen and foldable documentation and guidance was updated, including the gallery page, Material Design canonical layouts, and Jetpack Compose adaptive layouts guidance. These are all great references for large screen and foldable app developers, and are a great complement to the Surface Duo Design Kit, the documentation, and our large-screen design patterns blog post last week.

Feedback and resources

There are more events to come – bookmark the Android Dev Summit site for links and more information.

If you have questions about foldable Android app development or want to share your work, please reach out to us on Tech Community or find us on Twitter @surfaceduodev.

You can also live chat with us on Twitch this Friday at 13h CET and re-played later at 11am PST!


Cesar Valiente
Software Engineer

#SurfaceDuo DevX @Microsoft 🚀 @urjc (uni) alumni 👨‍🎓 #Android #community #FLOSS Berlin ✈️ Madrid


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