Showing results for Azure AD - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

Mar 21, 2019

MSAL.NET 3.0-preview now available

Microsoft identity platform team
Microsoft identity platform team

We are excited to announce the release of MSAL.NET 3.0-preview, which has a number of changes that will improve your experiences. Since our release of MSAL.NET 2.0-preview in August, we’ve been receiving great feedback from the community. Since August we’ve released fourteen incremental updates of MSAL.NET, improving both the API and the behavior ...

Microsoft GraphOffice Add-insMicrosoft identity platform
Feb 20, 2019

Microsoft Graph or the Azure AD Graph

Microsoft Graph team
Microsoft Graph team

Provides guidance and a roadmap for using Microsoft Graph vs. Azure AD Graph.

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft identity platform
Jan 29, 2019

New Azure AD Identity Protection APIs now in preview in Microsoft Graph

Microsoft identity platform team
Microsoft identity platform team

Today we’re announcing two new ways to get Azure AD Identity Protection data through Microsoft Graph: The newly introduced riskyUsers API and an updated sign-in API with enhanced risk information.

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft identity platform
Nov 16, 2018

30DaysMSGraph – Day 16 – Use Case: Create user in Azure AD

Brian T. Jackett
Brian T. Jackett

In Day 15 we registered an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application and created a console application using .Net Core.  The application uses a client secret and the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to establish an authentication context with the Microsoft Graph API.  Today we'll extend that application to create a user within Azure AD.

Microsoft Graph
Mar 27, 2018

OpenHack Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Teams | Azure Serverless – Toronto

Microsoft Graph team
Microsoft Graph team

Microsoft is pleased to invite you to an exclusive developer event focused on creating Enterprise and Business Applications with Azure and Office 365. OpenHack is a fun, challenge-based coding event hosted in Toronto, Ontario, from April 18-20 2018. Register now!

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft Teams
Feb 14, 2018

OpenHack Invite for Enterprise Devs / Business Apps

Office Add-ins team
Office Add-ins team

Microsoft is pleased to invite you to an exclusive developer event focused on developing Enterprise and Business Applications with Azure and Office 365. OpenHack is a fun, challenge-based coding event hosted in London, England, 6-8 March 2018.  Register Now!

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft Teams
Mar 8, 2017

Adding custom app data to Microsoft Graph now in preview

Microsoft Graph team
Microsoft Graph team

Microsoft Graph provides a single API endpoint that gives you access to rich people-centric data and insights, via a number of resources like users and messages. Frequently, developers want to

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft TeamsOffice Add-ins