Showing results for November 2018 - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

Nov 30, 2018

New SharePoint CSOM version released for SharePoint Online – November 2018

SharePoint team
SharePoint team

We are happy to announce the availability of new SharePoint Client-Side Object Model (CSOM) version targeted for the Office 365 or more specifically for SharePoint and Project Online. This was mainly a small maintenance release with minimal updates on the CSOM API surface.

Microsoft 365 Developer
Nov 30, 2018

30DaysMSGraph – Day 30 – Community resources and next steps

Brian T. Jackett
Brian T. Jackett

In Day 29 we uploaded files to OneDrive with Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we wrap up this 30 Days of Microsoft Graph series with a few community resources, ask for your feedback, and share a few next steps.

Microsoft Graph
Nov 28, 2018

Outlook REST API v1.0 BasicAuth Deprecation

Microsoft Graph team
Microsoft Graph team

Last year, we announced that on November 2018, we will stop supporting Basic Authentication in the Office 365 Outlook REST API v1.0 and this is a follow up announcement to reiterate that we will be decommissioning Basic Authentication in Outlook REST API v1.0 this month.

Microsoft Graph
Nov 27, 2018

Microsoft Graph documentation has a fresh new look

Jeremy Thake
Jeremy Thake

We've heard your feedback over the years that you'd like to see some improvements to the Microsoft Graph documentation experience. Today we are announcing that we've moved to, which gives our docs a fresh new look!

Microsoft 365 Developer
Nov 27, 2018

Microsoft Teams platform update

Microsoft Teams team
Microsoft Teams team

This is the first in a series of regular updates for our beloved developers on all things Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft GraphMicrosoft Teams