November 30th, 2018

30DaysMSGraph – Day 30 – Community resources and next steps

List of all posts in the #30DaysMSGraph series

In Day 29 we uploaded files to OneDrive with Microsoft Graph requests.  Today we wrap up this 30 Days of Microsoft Graph series with a few community resources, ask for your feedback, and share a few next steps.

Community Resources

Aside from all of the resources already shared throughout this series here are a few community based resources that you can participate in or contribute to yourself.


Share your feedback (today’s Try It Out exercise)

You may or may not know this but this project was almost entirely a labor of love and not the primary day job for many of our planners or contributors.  This series wouldn’t have been possible without all the planners, content contributors, and you as readers.  A huge thank you to all for helping make this project a reality.  As we reflect on lessons learned, what went well, and what we can improve on for future projects we especially appreciate your feedback.  Please take a few minutes to share your feedback and suggestions on anything and everything related to this series as it helps make future projects like this possible.

30 Days of Microsoft Graph feedback and suggestions survey


Next steps

Microsoft Graph is continuing to evolve and expand as time goes on.  Here are a few things you can do to get involved or continue your learning:

  • Join the monthly Microsoft Graph community calls. If you have something you’d like to share or present on please let the leaders know and they can schedule a time for you.
  • Submit updates or additions to the sample GitHub repository or Office 365 Resources Gallery.
  • Share your knowledge of Microsoft Graph at user groups, conferences, meetups, blogs, and more.
  • Review Microsoft Graph documentation and submit updates if you see anything that needs additions or corrections.
  • Share this series with your coworkers, friends, students, or anyone else who might benefit from it.


Once again, a huge thank you for reading along and sharing your feedback.  As a planning team we’ll be discussing our own next steps such as a regularly scheduled live coding / chat session, round 2 of a monthly blogging series, more GitHub samples, videos showcasing sample from this series, and a few other ideas.  Your suggestions and feedback can help shape which direction this leads so please let us know.  Congratulations on reaching the end of this series, we hope to see you again in a future project.

