Showing results for Microsoft - Azure Government

Jul 21, 2017

General availability of Storage Service Encryption and “Secure transfer required”

Kyle Deeds, Program Manager
Kyle Deeds, Program Manager

*Today, we are excited to announce the general availability of Storage Service Encryption for Azure Files Storage, as well as the "Secure transfer required" feature now being supported in the Azure Government Storage account. Storage Service Encryption for Azure File Storage Azure File Storage is a fully managed service providing distributed and cr...

Jul 18, 2017

Azure Cyber Analytics Program for Power and Utilities Partners

Azure Gov Team
Azure Gov Team

Microsoft is deeply aware of the importance of cybersecurity for companies supporting the electric grid and is committed to helping partners and customers secure their nations' most critical of critical infrastructure. In furtherance of this commitment, we are announcing a cyber program: "Microsoft Azure Certified Elite Partner Program for Cyber An...

Azure GovernmentAzureCybersecurity
Jul 11, 2017

New Operations Management Suite Solutions Available

Sarah Weldon
Sarah Weldon

Since Operations Management Suite (OMS) GA'd in Azure Government in October 2016, we've added features and solutions that continue to improve your experience. Key capabilities added since GA include The team remains committed to enabling all features and solutions that are generally available in OMS for Azure Government as q...

Azure GovernmentAzureCloud Strategy
Jun 26, 2017

Criminal Justice Information Services – What’s new in v5.6 and being considered for v5.7

Rochelle M. Eichner
Rochelle M. Eichner

Microsoft helping agencies prepare for regulatory revisions As part of Microsoft's commitment to meet the applicable requirements of the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy, it is critical to prepare in advance for future requirements as well. With law enforcement deploying innovative solutions for camera technology, biome...

Azure GovernmentMicrosoftCJIS