Showing results for How Government Organizations Are Looking at IoT - Azure Government

Nov 21, 2017

Creating a Secure Space for IoT in Government

Karina Homme
Karina Homme

IoT is multi-dimensional and flexible in the way it can improve agency function and bring nuanced approaches to citizen services, all while existing on a secure platform. With IoT, you are connecting to a vast web of devices such as street cameras, monitoring tools, and a wide array of other “things.” This also presents a unique obstacle when it...

Azure GovernmentCloud StrategyIoT
Nov 3, 2017

How Government is Using IoT to Provide Better Services to Citizens

Azure Gov Team
Azure Gov Team

A recent report by the International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that by 2020 the number of devices connected to the internet will exceed 30 billion.[1] This web of connected devices, or Internet of Things (IoT), gives government agencies a new and unique opportunity to leverage innovative technology to provide better services to citizens. ...

Azure GovernmentIoTConnectivity