Showing results for February 2019 - App Center Blog

Feb 15, 2019

Microsoft’s Developer Blogs are Getting an Update

App Center Team
App Center Team

In the coming days, we’ll be moving our developer blogs to a new platform with a modern, clean design and powerful features that will make it easy for you to discover and share great content. This week, you’ll see the Visual Studio, IoTDev, and Premier Developer blogs move to a new URL – while additional developer blogs will transition over ...

Feb 12, 2019

Growing the Visual Studio App Center Service Portfolio

John Wargo [MSFT]
John Wargo [MSFT]

There’s a lot you can do in your apps using App Center, but we also know our customers use other services in their apps as well. Successful apps typically identify users using a third-party identity service or the less popular username and password approach. These apps usually manage some sort of application data, whether it’s the user’s data shared across multiple devices or data shared across multiple users, groups, or even whole companies or divisions. Data in this context means structured or unstructured data as well as binary data such as files.

Feb 5, 2019

Introducing Diagnostics Search and User ID support

Young Bu Park [MSFT]
Young Bu Park [MSFT]

When releasing a new version of your app, you might get user complaints about crashes they’re experiencing in the new version. As a developer, you want to find the root cause as soon as possible to minimize the number of users affected. However, if you have millions of users, this could result in millions of crashes. Finding crashes would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
