November 15th, 2019

Announcing the 2019 Xamarin Hacktoberfest Awards

When we announced our participation in Hacktoberfest 2019 at the beginning of this month, we had no idea that we would get this kind of response. There were 178 pull requests opened by 72 contributors this year. Nearly double the number of pull requests we received last year. Outstanding!

Hacktoberfest PRs

Hacktoberfest Swag

Everyone who registered for this event and submitted a quality pull request will be receiving a sticker pack from us as a Xamagon-shaped symbol of our appreciation.  We’re excited to send these out and will be on the lookout for tweets showing off your newly decorated laptops, vehicles, and pets. Disclaimer: Please do not put the stickers on your pets, even if it would be super cute.

Hacktoberfest Contributors

Many of you submitted more than one pull request, but there were 15 individuals that went above and beyond to earn a stylish Xamarin t-shirt. We may not be literally giving you the shirts from our backs, but we certainly take off our hats to you. Job well done!

  • adrianknight89
  • bmacombe
  • DaemonErrors
  • Depechie
  • felipebaltazar
  • GalaxiaGuy
  • jcmanke
  • krdmllr
  • KSemenenko
  • melimion
  • mkieres
  • sakshamtaneja21
  • techduggu
  • tuyen-vuduc
  • WayaFlyfeather

And to the six of you who set a shining example by submitting more than 10 pull requests, we will be sending a similarly shiny glass trophy to celebrate your dedication to open source and to Xamarin in particular. Display it with pride, because you, friends, are amazing!

Xamagon rewards

  • felipebaltazar
  • melimion
  • adrianknight89
  • Depechie
  • krdmllr
  • techduggu

We recognized some of you as veteran contributors over the years, but many of you were first-time contributors. We are humbled and delighted that you chose our repositories to add your mark on open source. Thank you!

Hacktoberfest PRs

We are always excited to receive contributions resolving bugs or adding small enhancements because those contributions are guaranteed to improve the products for you. We are equally excited to receive pull requests that contain significant, game-changing suggestions. Suggestion PRs are guaranteed to improve the community by opening discussion. This Hacktoberfest, we saw many interesting suggestions, including:

We’d like to hear your opinion on these! Would you use them? Comment now by hitting those links above!

Contribute to Open Source!

Hopefully, this Hacktoberfest has convinced you that it’s easy, fun, and rewarding to contribute to open source. We welcome contributions all year long, including contributions in the form of issue reports, suggestions, comments, help to triage or review. Join us!

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  • Tuyen Vu

    How could I receive my T-Shirt? I haven’t got any emails for my contribution 🙁