This summer developers from around the world gathered for the Xamarin Developer Summit. The two-day event was packed full of deep technical content from the Xamarin team and amazing community members. For those that could not attend, we hosted a live stream of the main session hall on the Xamarin Developers YouTube channel. Tens of thousands of developers tuned in live to watch and chat with developers around the globe. We have worked with the event organizers to make the remaining of the videos available on-demand. You have access to over 25 sessions from the event in a single playlist on YouTube or Channel 9. We will be rolling out even more sessions over the next few weeks, subscribe so you don’t miss any.
Top Sessions from Xamarin Developer Summit
Let’s Make Crazy Beautiful UI with Xamarin.Forms
Our very own David Ortinau shows off 4 beautiful designs and demonstrates the techniques used to create them. He covers layout, styling, bindings, animations, behaviors, drawing, and more.
Thinking outside of the box with Xamarin.Forms
In this session, Microsoft MVP Glenn Versweyveld, shows us how to think outside the box. Tackling several common UI problems that Xamarin.Forms developers face and solving them with minimal use of Custom Renderers.
Bring Stunning Animations to your Apps with Lottie
Lastly, Martijn van Dijk, expands on how to use Lottie for beautiful animations. As well as shows off use with any iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, and Xamarin.Forms apps.
More Sessions On-Demand
Catch the sessions above and more from the Xamarin Developer Summit! On the Xamarin Developers YouTube and through Channel 9.