Q# Blog

Quantum Development

Q# Compiler Optimizations

In this post Rory Soiffer, an intern with Microsoft's Quantum group during the summer of 2019, describes the project he worked on - building a framework for Q# compiler optimizations.

Quantum at Microsoft Ignite 2019

This year at Microsoft Ignite 2019, Microsoft announced Azure Quantum, a full-stack approach to quantum computing. The Microsoft Quantum team had a booth on the show floor as well as several sessions on all topics related to quantum computing during the conference.

What are Qubits?

We consider the true nature of qubits, both as physical objects and as how they should be represented in a programming language.

Grace Hopper Celebration 2019: Recap

Grace Hopper Celebration 2019 – the world’s largest gathering of women technologists – featured several sessions on quantum computing as part of the "Emerging Technologies" track. We presented one of these sessions, a workshop titled “Introduction to Quantum Computing with Grover`s Search". In this post we share the highlights of the trip.