November 14th, 2019

Q# Advent Calendar 2019

Mariia Mykhailova
Principal Software Engineer

Last year we hosted the first Q# Advent Calendar – a blogging event in which every day in December one awesome community member writes a blog post about Q#. I really enjoyed reading last year’s entries, so let’s do it again!

The rules are simple:

  1. Reserve a slot by leaving a comment on this post. (You can also tweet about it, but you’ll have to mention @tcNickolas to make sure we’ve seen it!) The slots are assigned on the first come, first serve basis. You do not have to announce the topic of your blog post until you’re ready to publish it, but we’d really love to hear it beforehand
  2. Prepare a blog post (in English) about Q#, cool project you’ve done in Q#, learning Q#, teaching Q#, using Q# for research, tools for working with Q#… You got the idea. Don’t forget to check out last year’s calendar for inspiration!
  3. Publish your blog post on your assigned date. Don’t forget to link back to the Q# Advent Calendar from your post, so that your readers can find the entire advent.
  4. Leave the link to your blog post in a comment to this post, and we’ll add it to the calendar. If you share a link to your post on Twitter, use hashtags #qsharp and #QsAdvent.
Date Author Post Title
Dec 1 Alan Geller What are Qubits?
Dec 2 Mariia Mykhailova Decorating the Christmas Tree using Grover’s Search – Part 2: Growing with the Tree
Dec 3 Megan Brown Quantum at Microsoft Ignite 2019
Dec 4 Mariia Mykhailova Teaching Quantum Computing with Q#
Dec 5 Mariia Mykhailova New Tutorials: Learn the Basic Concepts of Quantum Computing
Dec 6 Petar Korponaić Shortcuts to Q# (Quantum Programming Studio)
Dec 7 Jim Cristofono, Darius Zakrzewski, Scott Carda, Julio Barrientos Galan Quantum Computing Study Group – Redmond 2019
Dec 8 Kitty Yeung A Cat’s Quantum Computing Workshops
Dec 9 Haishi Bai Bono
Dec 10 Mariia Mykhailova Decorating the Christmas Tree Using Grover’s Search – Part 3: Optimizing the Simulation
Dec 11 Alan Geller A Second Year of Q#
Dec 12 Rory Soiffer Q# Compiler Optimizations
Dec 13 Shelby Kimmel and Marcus Silva How long should your quantum benchmarking experiments be?
Dec 14 Scott Carda Q# Unit Tests
Dec 15 Doğan Sağlam Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm
Dec 16 Sarah Marshall Visualizing Quantum State with Q#
Dec 17 Sarah Kaiser Party Invitations: How Q# enables inclusive teaching
Dec 18 Bettina Heim Add Your Own Code Actions!
Dec 19 Andres Paz Everything you should know about the Quantum Development Kit, but were afraid to ask
Dec 20 Esteban Gínez Building the Q# compiler in mac OS
Dec 21 Andrew Helwer Simulating physical reality with a quantum computer
Dec 22 Chris Granade Reproducible Research with Q#
Dec 23 Q# team Festivus: Q# Feats of Strength
Dec 24 Varsha Rao, Shashi Prakash, Brijesh Khandelwal, Abhijeet Haldar Quantum perceptron in Q#
Dec 25 Anastasia Marchenkova Quantum teleportation with Q#


Mariia Mykhailova
Principal Software Engineer

Mariia Mykhailova is a principal software engineer at the Advanced Quantum Development team at Microsoft. She works on developing software for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Mariia is also a part-time lecturer at Northeastern University, teaching Introduction to Quantum Computing since 2020, and the author of O’Reilly book “Q# Pocket Guide”. In her spare time, she writes problems for programming competitions and creates puzzles.


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  • Wil Wilder Apaza Bustamante

    this comment has been deleted.

    • Mariia MykhailovaMicrosoft employee Author

      Sure! You can have the extra spot on Dec 26th if that works for you?

      • Wil Wilder Apaza Bustamante

        this comment has been deleted.

      • Mariia MykhailovaMicrosoft employee Author

        You got 26th!
        Just post a link to your blog post in a comment to this blog on 26th, and I’ll add it to the calendar.

      • Wil Wilder Apaza Bustamante

        this comment has been deleted.

  • Anastasia Marchenkova

    I’d love to contribute, if you plan on extending this!

  • Rory Soiffer

    I’ll claim the 12th, I can write about the Q# compiler optimizations I worked on over the summer

  • doğan sağlam

    Hi Mariia, I would like to take December 14th. I am new to Q#, will try to explain Recursive Fourier Sampling.

      • Mariia MykhailovaMicrosoft employee Author

        Are you planning to go deeper into quantum Fourier sampling after looking at the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm? The only source I’ve seen that discusses the latter in terms of the former is this paper, and it seems to use this term interchangeably with Fourier transform.

        Please let me know once you’ve added the code! Right now the post ends rather abruptly 🙂

      • doğan sağlam

        I don’t intend to go deeper as I don’t fully understand the paper. I put the code, thanks for waiting for me!

  • Varsha RaoMicrosoft employee

    I would like to take the 24th.

  • Esteban Gínez

    Hi @tcNickolas

    I can take the 20th, but I’ll like to add a twist to it, and write about setting up the Q# development environment in Spanish 😀

    • Mariia MykhailovaMicrosoft employee Author

      Thank you for volunteering! Unfortunately, the calendar has to be in English, otherwise other readers won't be able to enjoy your entry (I tried reading an automatic translation of a blog post about Q# in Japanese language once, and while it allowed to grasp the meaning of the text, it was not a satisfactory reading...)

      Could you maybe write two "copies" of the text, one in English and one in Spanish, if you want to include...

      Read more
      • Esteban Gínez

        Make sense, I’ll do one in english then talking about my experience building the Q# compiler in mac os

  • Petar Korponaić

    Hi @tcNickolas

    I would like to write about visual quantum circuit editor that produces Q# code , and code converter from IBM QASM to Q# (maybe could be two separate posts).

    Does December 9th works?

    – Petar

  • Sarah Kaiser

    I’ll take the 17th!