July 24th, 2018

PIX 1807.19 – Shader Table Viewer

Damyan Pepper
Dev Lead

Today we released PIX 1807.19 which includes a new Shader Table Viewer.

  • The Shader Table Viewer has been added to the Pipeline View, which provides deep insight into a raytracing shader table’s contents.
    • The viewer visualizes how the shader table’s bytes will be interpreted by GPU. Each shader record’s corresponding shader export, local root signature, and local root arguments are displayed, together with links to the corresponding resources where applicable.
    • Potential bugs in shader table configuration, such as invalid local root arguments, invalid shader identifiers, or incorrect local root signature associations, are easily seen. Where possible, PIX draws attention to potential bugs by displaying warning icons.
    • The viewer can also display the shader table’s raw bytes. PIX provides links from the detailed interpretation of a shader table to its raw bytes, making it easy to understand why certain bytes were interpreted in a particular way.
    • Please follow our latest instructions here to set up raytracing support in PIX. In particular, please download the latest raytracing binaries and use them in your raytracing application, and please manually copy the latest raytracing runtime binaries (d3d12.dll, d3d12SDKLayers.dll and DXGIDebug.dll) into your PIX installation directory.
  • Fixed several bugs and a performance regression when viewing texture contents

Shader Table Viewer screenshot



Developer lead on the DirectStorage for Windows team


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