.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

FAQ :: Which .NET language is best for parallelism?

The new parallelization support in the .NET Framework 4 is implemented purely in libraries and the runtime and does not require special compiler support.  Therefore, it is available to all compliant .NET languages.  This includes all of the managed languages that ship as part of Visual Studio 2010 (Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual F...

FAQ :: You talk about performance, speedup, and efficiency…what do you mean exactly?

All of these terms are overloaded, even in the context of parallel computing.  However, we’ve used them extensively to describe how well our parallel algorithms and demo applications work.  And sometimes, we throw them around carelessly on the blog, forums, etc., so here are our general definitions.Performance is an attribute ...

FAQ :: Why is the speedup not X on my X-way machine?

We’ll be regularly posting answers to frequently asked questions that we’ve gotten on the forum, internal email lists, etc.  Here’s the first – enjoy! Why is the speedup not X on my X-way machine?  Or, why does my parallel code run slower?  Less than ideal speedup can typically be attributed to two things: 1.  ...