.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Task Exception Handling in .NET 4.5

For the .NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview, a lot of work has been done to improve the Task Parallel Library (TPL), in terms of functionality, in terms of performance, and in terms of integration with the rest of the .NET Framework.  With all of this work, we’ve strived for a very high compatibility bar, which means your ...

Updated TPL Dataflow CTP

It’s been a few months since April when we last released a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll, aka “TPL Dataflow”.  Today for your programming pleasure, we have another update.As mentioned in “What’s New for Parallelism in .NET 4.5”, System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow...

How to use C++ AMP from C#

[Updated 5/17/2012 for Visual Studio 11 Beta] In Visual Studio 11 Beta, C++ AMP enables you to accelerate your applications using heterogeneous hardware such as GPUs. If you are a .NET developer, you can still use C++ AMP in your applications. You’ll write most of your code in C#, the pieces to execute on the GPU in C++ AMP, and then ...