Showing results for April 2013 - .NET Parallel Programming

Apr 4, 2013

.NET memory allocation profiling and Tasks

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

The .NET Framework blog published this morning a guest post from yours truly on .NET Memory Allocation Profiling with Visual Studio 2012.  As you're trying to improve the performance, throughput, and memory usage of code that uses Tasks, the described profiler in Visual Studio can be a valuable tool in your tool belt (of course, the example I ...

.NET 4.5Visual Studio
Apr 3, 2013

Tasks, Monads, and LINQ

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

A few years back, Wes Dyer wrote a great post on monads, and more recently, Eric Lippert wrote a terrific blog series exploring monads and C#. In that series, Eric alluded to Task<TResult> several times, so I thought I’d share a few related thoughts on Task<TResult> and the async/await keywords.As both Wes and Eric highlight, a ...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel Library.NET 4.5
