December 19th, 2022

On the large number of ways of expressing Microsoft Visual C++ compiler versions

When you ask someone what version of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler they’re using, or if somebody tells you “This feature requires version X of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler”, you can get the answer is a large number of ways, because the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler has apparently decided that if one version number is good, then more must be better.

The first version number that enters the picture is the name of the Visual Studio product the compiler comes with. This is probably something like “Visual Studio YYYY” for some year, like “Visual Studio 2019”.

The next version number is the product version of that Visual Studio product. For example, “Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.”

The next version number is the platform toolset that you specify in your project file, like <PlatformToolset>v142</PlatformToolset>.

Another version number is the actual toolchain version, like “14.29”.

And then there’s the version number reported by the _MSC_VER predefined macro, like “1929”.

On top of that is the version number reported by the _MSC_FULL_VER predefined macro, like “192930100”.

And finally, there’s the version number reported by the compiler itself when you type cl /?.

How are all of these version numbers related?

Product name ?
Product version ?
Platform toolset ?
Toolchain ?
Compiler banner

Okay, let’s do the easy one first: The last three version numbers are related to each other in a straightforward way. If the compiler’s self-reported version is, then the _MSC_VER is aabb and the _MSC_FULL_VER is aabbccccc. In other words, _MSC_VER = aa * 100 + bb and _MSC_FULL_VER = aa * 10000000 + bb * 100000 + cc .

Okay, so that lets us build a relationship among the last three boxes: The compiler banner is the basis for the other two.

The first two boxes are also related, but in a less obvious way: The product name and product major version line up according to this table on Wikipedia. For example, Visual Studio 2019 corresponds to product versions 16.*.

The next two boxes also appear to be related, although I can’t find any official documentation to that effect. The platform toolset appears to be the letter “v”, followed by the toolchain major version, followed by the first digit of the minor version. For example, a toolchain version of “14.29” corresponds to a platform toolset of “v142”.

That leaves three major categories: The Visual Studio product, the toolchain, and the compiler. These three categories follow their own path, so you have to use a cheat sheet to see how they correspond to each other.¹

Let’s build that cheat sheet. I got the raw data from this table on Wikipedia, with gaps filled in from the archived Visual Studio release notes.

Name Product Toolset Toolchain _MSC_
15.0 v141 14.1 1910 1910xxxxx 19.10.xxxxx
15.3 14.11 1911 1911xxxxx 19.11.xxxxx
15.5 14.12 1912 1912xxxxx 19.12.xxxxx
15.6 14.13 1913 1913xxxxx 19.13.xxxxx
15.7 14.14 1914 1914xxxxx 19.14.xxxxx
15.8 14.15 1915 1915xxxxx 19.15.xxxxx
15.9 14.16 1916 1916xxxxx 19.16.xxxxx
16.0 v142 14.20 1920 1920xxxxx 19.20.xxxxx
16.1 14.21 1921 1921xxxxx 19.21.xxxxx
16.2 14.22 1922 1922xxxxx 19.22.xxxxx
16.3 14.23 1923 1923xxxxx 19.23.xxxxx
16.4 14.24 1924 1924xxxxx 19.24.xxxxx
16.5 14.25 1925 1925xxxxx 19.25.xxxxx
16.6 14.26 1926 1926xxxxx 19.26.xxxxx
16.7 14.27 1927 1927xxxxx 19.27.xxxxx
16.8 14.28 1928 1928xxxxx 19.28.xxxxx
16.10 14.29 1929 1929xxxxx 19.29.xxxxx
17.0 v143 14.30 1930 1930xxxxx 19.30.xxxxx
17.1 14.31 1931 1931xxxxx 19.31.xxxxx
17.2 14.32 1932 1932xxxxx 19.32.xxxxx
17.3 14.33 1933 1933xxxxx 19.33.xxxxx
17.4 14.34 1934 1934xxxxx 19.34.xxxxx

But wait, the story isn’t over yet.

Internally, the compiler team delivers periodic compiler updates to the Windows team. These updates are named LKG followed by a number, like “LKG14”, and there is an internal Web site that maps LKG values to compiler version numbers. Fortunately, only people who work at Microsoft need to worry about these LKG version numbers.

Bonus chatter: The term LKG stands for “Last Known Good”, meaning that it is the latest version of the compiler that has been validated against the Windows code base. There is another term FKG, which you think might stand for “First Known Good”, but it doesn’t. It originally stood for “Fast Known Good” because it contained compilers even newer than the Last Known Good. That policy has changed, and now the FKG is used for other purposes, but the name FKG stuck, even though it’s completely wrong.

¹ It appears that starting in Visual Studio 2017, the compiler minor version increases by one each time the toolchain minor version increases by one, so that’s handy. Starting in August 2017, the compiler version is equal to the toolchain version plus five. I don’t know whether this is a rule or a coincidence.



Raymond has been involved in the evolution of Windows for more than 30 years. In 2003, he began a Web site known as The Old New Thing which has grown in popularity far beyond his wildest imagination, a development which still gives him the heebie-jeebies. The Web site spawned a book, coincidentally also titled The Old New Thing (Addison Wesley 2007). He occasionally appears on the Windows Dev Docs Twitter account to tell stories which convey no useful information.


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  • Thiago Macieira

    If you go back further on that table on Wikipedia, you can find out why the compiler version is at the large numbers now: it's an unbroken sequence going all the way back to the DOS-based and often pre-C++ Microsoft C compilers, My first C compiler ever was Microsoft C/C++ Compiler 7.0, which was a DOS executable with DPMI requirements because 640 kB was not enough. That means I mostly launched Windows 3.1 so I could open a DOS prompt so I could run the compiler.

    The next highest number is the product version, which is the unbroken line of Visual...

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  • Miroslav Župa

    I think compiler minor version and toolchain minor version being tied is not a coincidence, but a conscious effort. If I was responsible for this, and I didn't have any reason to break this convention, then I would keep it for as long as I could.

    One thing worth a mention might be the reason why there are only v14x toolset/toolchain versions and 19xx compiler versions mentioned in this blog post. This is because all these versions share ABI. When/if ABI break occurs in the future, we will likely see major version bump to v15x for toolset and 20xx for compiler.

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  • Krzysztof Kawa

    Was there ever any effort started internally to unify these numbering schemes? Since the VS name has the highest number anyway it would seem to be pretty easy to line them up without breaking any backward compatibility. Some schemes would just need to make a little jump every now and then, but they seem to be doing that anyway, so wouldn’t be a problem.

    For example:
    Visual Studio 2025
    Product: 2025.01
    Toolset: v250
    msvcp: 250
    msvcruntime: 250
    Toolchain: 25.01
    _MSC_VER: 2501
    _MSC_FULL_VER: 2501xxxxx
    Compiler: 25.01.xxxxx

    Or are the owners of all these schemes just not interested enough in making this easier?

  • Georg Rottensteiner · Edited

    Oh ye gods, yes.
    How do the Visual C++ runtime versions on the dll files map into this? I have a cheat sheet here too.
    Judging from the required runtime dll (msvcpxx, msvcrtxx) how to find the required Visual C++ runtime. I stopped updating about VS 2015 though.
    On a glance it might be the platform major version:

    msvcp80.dll VS 2005
    msvcp90.dll VS 2008
    msvcp100.dll VS 2010
    msvcp110.dll VS 2012
    msvcp120.dll VS2013
    msvcp140.dll VS 2015

    Usually pops up when the customer is using any old version of an SDK and I use Dependency Walker to find out the required runtime.

  • Robert Andrzejuk

    There’s also the supported C++ version:
    – C++11 (I think gone from VS2017)
    – C++14 (the default)
    – C++17
    – C++20 (supported from VS19 … but which version?)
    – Latest

    Great info as usual Raymond 🙂

    • 韩明睿 · Edited

      I don't remember C++11 was really supported.

      On the one hand, the first time that MSVC announced standard conformance was around Visual Studio 2015. We can learn from the blog posts that the key features of C++11 were not completely supported, until they were implemented together with C++14 in Visual Studio 2015.

      On the other hand, before the introduction of the `` compiler option (VS 2015 Update 3) and the side-by-side toolset installation (VS 2017), it was not possible to select your language version in MSVC. The first `` switches were `` and ``. C++11 was skipped, which, from my perspective, is...

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