Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

A developer platform for building collaborative apps for hybrid work

Announcing the public preview of Microsoft Graph change notifications delivery via Azure Event Hubs

We're pleased to announce the public preview of an additional delivery mode for Microsoft Graph change notifications. You can now use Azure Events Hubs to receive change notifications instead of traditional webhooks. Historically, change notifications have used webhooks to let applications receive notifications about changes in Microsoft ...

What’s new for change notifications and change tracking in Microsoft Graph – August 2020

Change notifications uses webhooks to let applications get notified about changes in Microsoft Graph resource data, such as Outlook messages or OneDrive files. Change tracking uses delta queries to let applications discover newly created, updated, or deleted entities without performing a full read of the target resource with every request. ...

What’s new for change notifications and change tracking in Microsoft Graph – May 2020

Change notifications uses webhooks to let applications to get notified about changes in Microsoft Graph resource data such as Outlook messages or OneDrive files. Change tracking uses delta queries to let applications discover newly created, updated, or deleted entities without performing a full read of the target resource with every request. ...

Announcing change notifications for Microsoft Teams messages

One of the most common requests we receive in UserVoice is change notifications for messages.  Developers want to build apps that can listen to Teams messages in near-real time, without polling, to enable scenarios such as bots that listen to messages on which they aren't @mentioned, or assist with enterprise information archiving and data loss prevention.  We are pleased to announce that developers can now subscribe to change notifications for Microsoft Teams messages. This feature is available in beta on the Microsoft Graph API.

Kaizala extensibility and programmability overview

Kaizala is a mobile application that allows you to get work done within the context of a conversation and group using actions. While the application provides a whole lot of functionalities that allows small and medium businesses and enterprises to get work done, it also supports extensibility that allows you to integrate it to existing business processes and workflows.

Exploring Kaizala WebHooks

Webhooks allow you to build or integrate applications which subscribe to certain events on Kaizala. When one of those events is triggered, Kaizala service would send a HTTPS POST payload to the webhook’s configured URL. Webhooks can be used to listen to content being posted on the group and use that information to update your database, trigger workflows in your internal systems, etc. You could also do the reverse, wherein post content on Kaizala based on an internal event in your system using the Kaizala APIs.