Microsoft Build of OpenJDK – January 2024 Patch & Security Update Release

Derek Keeler

Bruno Borges

Java OpenJDK January 2024 Patch & Security Updates

Happy New Year Java community!

We are happy to announce the latest January 2024 patch & security update release for the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK . See the release notes  for detailed changes present in the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK binaries. And download  or install  the binaries today. The latest versions are now:

  • OpenJDK 21.0.2
  • OpenJDK 17.0.10
  • OpenJDK 11.0.22

Check our release notes  page for details on fixes and enhancements. As a reminder, the source code of our builds are now available on GitHub for further inspection: jdk21u , jdk17u , and jdk11u .

Microsoft Build of OpenJDK specific updates

OpenJDK 21

  • Includes a new feature (see JDK-8287061  and JDK-8289943 ) to improve the performance of Escape Analysis by increasing the number of opportunities for Scalar Replacement. This feature is enabled by default. To disable it, developers must use the following JVM flags:
    `-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges`
  • Includes a new JFR event to track Compiler Queue Utilization (a backport of JDK-8317562 ).

OpenJDK 17

  • Includes a new feature (see JDK-8287061  and JDK-8289943 ) to improve the performance of Escape Analysis by increasing the number of opportunities for Scalar Replacement. This feature is enabled by default. To disable it, developers must use the following JVM flags:
    `-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges`
  • Added support for SST files as KeyStores on Windows (see JDK-8306688 ), which can be enabled by using the following property:

OpenJDK 11

  • Includes a new feature (see JDK-8287061  and JDK-8289943 ) to improve the performance of Escape Analysis by increasing the number of opportunities for Scalar Replacement. This feature is enabled by default. To disable it, developers must use the following JVM flags:
    `-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-ReduceAllocationMerges`
  • Added support for SST files as KeyStores on Windows (see JDK-8306688 ), which can be enabled by using the following property:
  • Backports of the following enhancements and bug fixes:
    • JDK-8250902  Implement MD5 Intrinsics on x86 – Java Bug System
    • JDK Flight Recorder
      • JDK-8226897 Provide object age with JFR OldObjectSample event
      • JDK-8232594  Make the output of the JFR command duration more user friendly
      • JDK-8216041  Event Request Deoptimization
      • JDK-8216995  Clean up JFR Command Line
      • JDK-8217089  Lazy install os interface components for improved startup

Known issues Microsoft OpenJDK 11

  • Binaries for macOS/AArch64 do not have Default CDS (JEP 341) archives.
    • Workaround: Run java -Xshare:dump to produce them after installation.

Summary of Upstream Updates

OpenJDK 21

For further details, please refer to this query for fixed items in JDK 21.0.2 .

OpenJDK 17

For further details, please refer to this query for fixed items in JDK 17.0.10 .

OpenJDK 11

For further details, please refer to this query for fixed items in JDK 11.0.22 .

OpenJDK 8

We continue to provide support on Azure and internal at Microsoft for OpenJDK 8 binaries of Eclipse Temurin built by the Eclipse Adoptium project. To facilitate its usage, we ship container images of OpenJDK 8 on top of CBL-Mariner and Ubuntu. Refer to our documentation.



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