As previously announced in April, by the end of 2021 Microsoft will be using Microsoft Build of OpenJDK for Java 11 and later versions, and the Eclipse Adoptium’s Temurin distribution for Java 8 across all of Microsoft Azure services, products, and developer tools. Therefore, Microsoft will no longer deploy updates of Zulu for Azure starting January 1st, 2022.
Today we are announcing the July PSU for Java 11 and Java 16 for Microsoft Build of OpenJDK, the GA of AArch64 builds, and we are also glad to see the Eclipse Temurin distribution has released its first binaries, including OpenJDK HotSpot for Java 8.
Azure customers and developers are welcome to upgrade to these binaries to benefit from performance enhancements, security patches, and bug fixes. On Azure services where Microsoft manages the Java runtime on behalf of the customer, we will be rolling out updates throughout the remainder of this year without any impact on customers’ workloads. For most of these services, we will be updating with Zulu for Azure July PSU.
General availability of AARch64 for ARM64 and M1
Today we are also releasing for the first time, the general availability of AArch64 binaries of Java 11 and Java 16 for Windows and Linux (ARM64), and Java 16 for macOS (M1). This release is key to the backport efforts initiated by Microsoft through JEP 388 (Windows/AArch64 Port) and the collaboration between Microsoft and other OpenJDK vendors on JEP 391 (macOS/AArch64 Port). The macOS M1 release is a major step for us particularly, as Microsoft has a substantial number of Java developers working on Apple hardware and we want to ensure they can upgrade to M1 devices to take advantage of the hardware advancements, to enhance their productivity.
All these binaries are available for download on the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK website. The Linux package repositories are also updated. For container images, we will be pushing those in the coming days. Updates to winget, Homebrew and other package managers will follow soon.
Release notes can be found in our documentation.
Create Java Runtimes with jlink
We have also added a new article to help users, both at Microsoft and customers, on how to produce Java runtimes using jlink. This method of Java deployment ensures the Java runtime only contains the parts of the Java platform that are truly needed by applications, therefore increasing security, reducing deployment size, and enhancing performance, for both Cloud and server-based Java applications as well as desktop/GUI applications.
Happy Java coding!