Azure Cosmos DB Blog

The latest news, updates and technical insights from the Azure Cosmos DB team

Scaling IoT/Time Series/Metering Workloads with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Introduction : For many organizations around the world, the capture of consumption data is a common yet critical requirement. Some of these organizations struggle to manage the sheer volumes of data that they must capture and process. No wonder! We conservatively estimate that there would petabytes of such data globally and it is likely ...

Postgres 16 available in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, powered by Citus

Big news in the Postgres world: PostgreSQL 16 was released just over 2 weeks ago. And today we're announcing that Postgres 16 is generally available for production workloads on Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. That’s right, in production: this announcement is not just a preview of Postgres 16 support.  Whether you need to ...

Auto scaling Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL with Citus, Grafana, & Azure Functions

One of the top Citus features is the ability to run PostgreSQL at any scale, on a single node as well as a distributed database cluster. As your application needs to scale, you can add more nodes to the Citus cluster, rebalance existing data to the new Postgres nodes, and seamlessly scale out. However, these operations require manual ...

Evolving django-multitenant to build scalable SaaS apps on Postgres & Citus

This post by Gurkan Indibay about the django-multitenant library was originally published on the Citus Open Source Blog.   If you’re building a software application that serves multiple tenants, you may have already encountered the challenges of managing and isolating tenant-specific data. That’s where the django-multitenant library ...

Data Encryption at rest with Customer Managed keys for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL

Today, we are thrilled to announce the public preview of data encryption at rest with customer managed keys for Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL. Data stored in your Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL cluster is automatically and seamlessly encrypted with keys managed by Microsoft (service-managed keys). Optionally, you can now choose to add an ...

Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL vs. Azure Database for PostgreSQL: When to choose which

Do you have PostgreSQL workloads? You can take advantage of your familiar Postgres tools while benefiting from high performance and unlimited scale on Azure. We offer multiple fully-managed, open-source database options for hosting your Postgres data. Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL is ideal for building new cloud-native and highly scalable ...

Announcing Data API builder for Azure Cosmos DB

We are super excited to announce the public preview of Data API builder. A new feature that allows customers to instantly and securely build a GraphQL API for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL.   A quick look at Data API Builder  With Data API Builder, database objects can be exposed via REST or GraphQL ...

NoSQL vs. relational: Which database should you use for your app?

Microsoft recently announced the introduction of Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, a distributed relational database, making Azure the first cloud platform to offer support for both relational and NoSQL (non-relational) data in a single database service. This means Azure Cosmos DB developers now have ultimate flexibility when building cloud-...

Enabling PostgreSQL 15 in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL – how we did it

As you may have heard, we recently made PostgreSQL 15 generally available in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL within just 1 week of the PostgreSQL 15 release. The Postgres 15 version is available for you whether you need to create a new cluster in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, or upgrade your existing cluster. (Note: you can do in-place major ...