Showing results for 2017 - Windows Command Line

Dec 22, 2017

Share Environment Vars between WSL and Windows

Craig Wilhite
Craig Wilhite

Hey WSL users—we have more features to share with you! Our latest Windows Insider build lets you share environment variables between WSL and Windows. Starting with Build 17063, let’s look at how you can leverage the new “WSLENV” to enhance environmental variable interop between Win32/WSL. Summary For the pros who’ve already heard about WSLENV and...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows 10
Dec 19, 2017

AF_UNIX comes to Windows


Introduction:  Beginning in Insider Build 17063, you’ll be able to use the unix socket (AF_UNIX) address family on Windows to communicate between Win32 processes. Unix sockets allow inter-process communication (IPC) between processes on the same machine.  Overview:  Support for the unix socket has existed both in BSD and Linux for the longest ti...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Windows 10Linux tools
Dec 8, 2017

[Cross Post] WSL Interoperability with Docker

Craig Wilhite
Craig Wilhite

We frequently get asked about running docker from within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). We don’t support running the docker daemon directly in WSL. But what you can do is call in to the daemon running under Windows from WSL. What does this let you do? You can create dockerfiles, build them, and run them in the daemon—Windows or Linux, depen...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Dec 4, 2017

Background Task Support in WSL

Tara Raj
Tara Raj

Starting in Windows Insiders Build 17046, WSL supports background tasks (including daemons). In the past, if you opened WSL and started sshd, httpd, screen, or tmux  you needed to have a console window open to keep those tools running. But, starting with 17046, these processes will continue running in the background even after the last console wind...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Windows 10
Nov 28, 2017

A Guide to Invoking WSL

Craig Wilhite
Craig Wilhite

There are a variety of ways to invoke the Windows Subsystem for Linux from Windows commandlines and they all behave a little differently. Let’s get to the bottom of it.    “wsl” The first (and recommended!) method will start up your default distro. Additionally, it starts the distro in the current working directory where you invoke the command. ...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineLinux tools
Oct 27, 2017

Running Node.js on WSL from Visual Studio Code

Bartosz Sosnowski
Bartosz Sosnowski

Starting with the October Insiders Build of Visual Studio Code we have added an easy way to run your Node.js applications on top of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). This is useful for developers targeting Linux or multiplatform production environments, making it possible to develop on Windows without relying on external systems or virtual mac...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Oct 12, 2017

WSL & Console team ch…ch…ch…chaaaaanges!

Rich Turner
Rich Turner

Dear friends of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux, nee "Bash on [Ubuntu on] Windows") & Windows Console: I would like to share with you some changes to our org' that will benefit WSL, Windows Console and the Windows command-line in general moving forward. After shipping a major new release, Microsoft often shuffles teams and people around to...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console
Oct 11, 2017

What’s new in Windows Console in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Rich Turner
Rich Turner

With Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (FCU) releasing on October 17th 2017, we thought it time to post the list of improvements coming to Windows Console in FCU. Note: For fans of our sister project, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), please also read our post on "What's New in WSL in FCU". The Windows Console team have been hard at work during th...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console
Oct 11, 2017

What’s new in WSL in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

Tara Raj
Tara Raj

Similarly to the Windows 10 Creators Update, the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (FCU)  delivers a large number of improvements and features in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) . Note: For fans of our sister project, Windows Console, please also read our post on "What's New in Windows Console in FCU". We've been documenting many of these new...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Aug 11, 2017

Introducing the Windows Console Colortool

Craig Loewen
Craig Loewen

Last week we announced the exciting news that Windows Console has a new default color scheme, and also promised you that we would release a tool to make it easier to change the console to your desired scheme. The Windows Console team is proud to present the 'Colortool' which you can use to apply the new default color scheme, and several alternate p...

Command-LineWindows Console