This week we are deploying our sprint 98 work to Visual Studio Team Services. You can read the release notes for details of what’s included.
From time to time, I like to cross reference the work we are releasing with UserVoice to make sure we are actually making progress on the top requests from our users. It’s good to see that we knocked off 3 long standing requests with hundreds of votes each this sprint.
In addition to those, this sprint includes a bunch of other cool things. A couple I’ve heard a lot or requests for lately:
Follow work item – the ability to easily flag/unflag an item so you get change notifications. This, along with @mentions, really increases the ease of collaborations. Expect the “Follow” metaphor to get applied to other artifacts (like pull requests, releases, etc.) now that we’ve got the plumbing in place.
Release dashboard widget – show the status of a release definition on the dashboard. I’ve seen a request for this at least have a dozen times in the last month or so.
We also made progress on our journey towards “organization” support that will allow many team project collections to be grouped under an organization and better separate administrative concerns between the organizational administrator and the team project collection administrator. This is another top UserVoice item and we got a bit more progress on it.
Lots of other cool stuff too. I hope you like it. Next sprint, we are going to *finally* have a checkbox control on our work item form. That’s got to just about hold the record for the longest living, most ignored UserVoice item. I’m going to be happy to finally check that one off the list.
As always, we love to hear any feedback you have.
April 13th, 2016
VS Team Services Update – April 13

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