Showing results for November 2016 - Page 2 of 2 - Azure Government

Nov 4, 2016

Microsoft Azure Government and Booz Allen Announce Virtual Cloud Defense

Derek Strausbaugh, Principal Program Manager
Derek Strausbaugh, Principal Program Manager

Cloud Security Suite Brings Power and Simplicity to Securing Cloud Deployments Microsoft and Booz Allen Hamilton are pleased to announce the general availability of Virtual Cloud Defense (VCD) for Azure Government. Virtual Cloud Defense from Booz Allen helps Azure Government customers secure cloud workloads and protect data by deploying cost-effe...

Azure GovernmentAzure MarketplaceDefense
Nov 2, 2016

DoD Region Preview frequently asked questions

Derek Strausbaugh, Principal Program Manager
Derek Strausbaugh, Principal Program Manager

Since announcing our Azure Government DoD Region Preview last week at Microsoft’s Government Cloud Forum, we have had overwhelming interest from customers and partners in participating.  We’ve spent time compiling answers to the most frequently ask questions we’ve heard to help customers and partners understand what this unprecedented investment fr...

Azure GovernmentAzureDoD
Nov 1, 2016

Use Case: Azure Site Recovery in Azure Government

Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist
Pishoy Bous, Azure Technical Specialist

An organization must have the ability to withstand all hazards and sustain its mission through environmental changes.  These changes can be gradual, such as economic or mission changes, or sudden, as in a disaster event. (NIST Special Publication 800-34 Rev. 1 Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems , 2010) Azure Government enab...

Azure GovernmentAzureSite Recovery