Azure VM Runtime Team

Azure VM Runtime Team

The treatFailureAsDeploymentFailure flag

In both VmApplications and RunCommand, we support a property called "treatFailureAsDeploymentFailure". Note that for Managed RunCommand it may not be visible yet in Powershell or CLI, but it is available via ARM. Note that this flag is only available for managed RunCommand. It is not available for action RunCommand. For those unaware, ...

Working with VM Application Names

I admit that VM Application names can be a bit tricky, or at least non-intuitive. The basic issue is this, you have some binary - let's call it MyApp.exe - and you want to install it on your VM. Therefore, you create a blob with the name MyBlob and set your install script to the following: You then name your VM Application "MyVmApp" ...

Working with unmanaged storage account quotas in VM Applications

While working with VM Applications, it's possible to receive the following error. Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved UnmanagedStorageAccountCount quota. Additional details - Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: northeurope, Current Limit: 64, Current Usage: 64, Additional Required: 1, (Minimum) New...

Managing VM Applications with Azure Policies

For those unacquainted with the feature, VM Applications allow you to manage applications across virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets. What exactly is an "application"? In truth, it's whatever you want. Typically, it's something that runs for a long period of time on the box, such as a service. However, the definition is really up ...