Showing results for February 2023 | Azure VM Runtime Team

Feb 17, 2023

RunCommand vs Custom Script Extension vs VM Applications

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

I'm sure that many of you would swear that Microsoft loves to confuse you. Currently, there are not three but four ways to run code on your machine. Now, I know what you're saying. "I just want to run this thing on my machine! Which do I choose?" Well, here I hope to clear that up. First, all of the above work on both Window...

VM ApplicationsRunCommandAzure VM Runtime Team
Feb 10, 2023

Managing VM Applications with Azure Policies

Joseph Calev
Joseph Calev

For those unacquainted with the feature, VM Applications allow you to manage applications across virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets. What exactly is an "application"? In truth, it's whatever you want. Typically, it's something that runs for a long period of time on the box, such as a service. However, the definition is really up to you...

VM ApplicationsAzure VM Runtime Team