October 17th, 2009

I'm A VB: Charlie Mun (whitebono)

Website: http://www.vbholic.co.tv/


·        How long have you been using VB?

almost two years


·        What industry do you work in?

I’m a Student… and 17 years old.  I’m not working for industry…


·        How big is your development team?

Only me(?) Cause, I’m developing by myself.


·        What kind of apps do you most commonly build?

Web-browser, Calculator, Note-pad, Games and Security Program which is protect file or folder in Hard Drive, and Web browser for Smart Devices (Win CE, Win Mobile etc.)


·        What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?

Web browser, Calculator and Games and Security Program protect file or folder, also includes Chat Program as well.


·        Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.

Now, I’m making a advanced application, which is   Media Player, and trying to making the similar program with Microsoft Office. But it’s really difficult.


·        What are some of your favorite VB features?

My Favorite VB Features are compatibility with Windows like included Windows CE and Windows Mobile.


·        What do you like most about VB as a programming language?

Well, Firstly,  User interface is really good. In my point of view, better than C++ and Strong compatibility features. And We can learn easy to use Visual Basic.


For other interviews in this series, please visit http://imavb.net.
