October 17th, 2009

I'm A VB: Ignacio Alvarez N.


·        How long have you been using VB?

6 years


·        What industry do you work in?

Software Development oriented to ASP.NET Web Applications


·        How big is your development team?

7 people


·        What kind of apps do you most commonly build?

Web applications with Ajax and third party components like DevExpress and MSSQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008 Database Engine.


·        What’s the most interesting app you’ve ever built?

It was a process control like a workflow with Web interface and Windows Services for do the background job’s.


·        Please tell us about an app that you’re working on at the moment.

Im developing an aplication for a big super market.  This application make the control of the stock in corridors and the warehouse too.  Print orders for automatic replacement of products.  Also develop a SmartDevice application for windows mobile 6 that record de entrance of Merchandise, this application use sql server ce and the syncronization is through .NET Web Services.


·        What other technologies do you most commonly use?

SQL Server.


·        What are some of your favorite VB features?

It’s easier for me to read and more quick to program because i don’t have to put simbols and thinks like that.


·        What do you like most about VB as a programming language?

I think other languages like c# has so many symbols and things, and i think is most difficult to read the code.


For other interviews in this series, please visit http://imavb.net.
