December 1st, 2022

droidcon New York and London

Hello Android developers!

It has been great to see the community face-to-face at droidcon events around the world in 2022. The Surface Duo team really enjoyed meeting folks, presenting, and discussing foldable app development face-to-face. If you didn’t make it to an event (or if you did but want to re-live it) more sessions are now available to view for free online.
droidon London conference exhibitsdroidcon London 2022

droidcon London videos available

Talks from droidcon London are available now to watch online, including John Wiese finding success on dual-screen, foldable, and large screens with a hint of Flutter:

Title card for Finding Success On Large Screens and Foldables session

Other sessions of interest for foldable and large-screen developers include:

You can also filter to see the Flutter or Jetpack Compose talks. The droidcon team has posted a photo album from the event too – while it’s not educational per-se, it gives you a sense of the conference vibe!

droidcon New York videos available

All the sessions from droidcon New York 2022 are available online, including the Surface Duo team’s talk on Large Screens and Foldables:

Title card for Large Screens and Foldables session

There are dozens of other great talks – some of our favorites include:

droidcon Berlin and San Francisco

Check out these blog posts that cover droidcon events earlier in the year:

Resources and feedback

If you have any questions or would like to tell us about your dual-screen applications, use the feedback forum or message us on Twitter @surfaceduodev.   

Finally, please join us every Friday on Twitch - this week at 12h Central European Time (and replayed at 11am Pacific Time) to chat about Surface Duo developer topics!   


John Wiese
Principal Technical Architect

Experienced Principal Software Engineer & Technical Evangelist with a demonstrated history of producing great results. Skilled in Software as a Service (SaaS), .NET Framework, C#, Xamarin, Flutter and Dart. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's Degree focused in Computer Science from Marquette University.

Kristen Halper
SW/FW Engineer

Works in the Surface Duo Developer Experience team to help with all aspects of dual-screen SDK development and customer engagement.

Parker Schroeder
SW/FW Engineer

Works in the Surface Duo Developer Experience team to help with all aspects of dual-screen SDK development and customer engagement.


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