June 4th, 2013

TechEd 2013 New Orleans–Day 2

SUMMARY: Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson talks about PowerShell stuff from Tuesday June 4, 2013.

The second day of TechEd 2013 North America in New Orleans continues to roll on.

First guest of the day Jeffrey Snover

The day started as great as possible – Microsoft Distinguish Engineer and Lead Architect  for Windows, Jeffrey Snover came by the Scripting Guys booth right after his most excellent PowerShell session. PowerShell enthusiasts Brian Wilhite and Chris Duck took the opportunity to share their script with him. His first comment was something along the order of “What is this?” Within minutes, however, he was saying this is cool.


It was not too long before a couple of people came along and began asking asking questions about constrained end points — Jeffrey Snover launched into an impromptu presentation that was absolutely AWESOME! Notice the group is totally engrossed.


Guest Matthew Reynolds (PFE)

Microsoft Premier Field Engineer (PFE) Matthew Reynolds showed up and answered questions about using Windows PowerShell to solve real world problems. It was cool, and most of the time at the booth he was absolutely mobbed.

Following Matthew’s appearance at the Scripting Guys booth, it was time for me to head over to the Conference book store for a book signing. These things are always a lot of fun. Back at the booth I had a chance to talk to a guy who said he loves VBScript and sees no reason to migrate to Windows PowerShell. I showed him how to use Get-WmiObject to query a WMI class. The one line command, replaces a 9 line VBScript. This command appears here.

Get-WmiObject win32_bios

Later they were saying they had a problem querying their file system due to the number of items and the amount of memory consumed. I showed them how to easily find files and folders that had not been accessed in 50 days. Again it was a one line command. This command appears here:

Get-ChildItem | where lastaccessed -lt $(get-date).adddays(-50)

The BIG news

The big news of the day was the Instructor Led Lab I did on PowerShell 4.0 new feature Desired State Configuration. This was an awesome lab in which we installed IIS on a remote server, created a web site, then we installed and configured IIS on additional servers. Next we destroyed one of the servers, and rebuilt everything with the original config script. It was a very well received lab, and afterwards at the Ask the Experts several people came up asking about it.

NOTE: I am doing a second session of the Desired State Configuration PowerShell 4.0 lab on Thursday Morning at 8:30 in Hall B, Instructor Led Lab 3. Make sure you get there a bit early to ensure a good seat.



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