June 5th, 2013

TechEd–3 or What's Up Today, Scripting Guy?

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, discusses his schedule for today at TechEd North America 2013 in New Orleans.


As the Scripting Wife and I got on the bus this morning to head to the Convention Center, a voice remarked, “You’re not The Ed Wilson are you? The Scripting Guy? No Way!”

“Well, yes way.”

“Dude, this is sooo cool! You came to my company a few years ago and did a Windows PowerShell class. Man, that was sweet. We automate everything.”


It turned out to be a really fun chat, and we talked about the ways that this rather large Silicon Valley company is using Windows PowerShell to automate literally everything. Cool.

Scriptomatic 3.0

This morning we entered the cadaverous breakfast hall just a bit slower than in the past. We were all beginning to drag just a little bit. It was exactly 450 steps from where the bus dropped us to the breakfast hall where Brian Wilhite was saving us a table. Soon the table was surrounded with PowerShell Tweeps. One question I got was where is PowerShell Scriptomatic 2.0? Hmmmmmm …… I had thought I was not going to do one because the CIM cmdlets in Windows PowerShell 3.0 are so cool and so powerful, and they make WMI discoverability sooo easy. But, you know? This was the second time in two days someone has asked, so maybe…just maybe I might look into it.

Cool booth guests today

Today we have two really cool booth guests. Come to the Scripting Guys booth to see Greg Shields from Concentrated Technologies. He will  be talking about Hyper-V, V-Sphere, Citrix, and RDS. This will be at 11:30 today.

Next up is Todd Klindt who will be talking about Sharepoint. This will be at 12:30.

I will be at the NetAPP booth at 1;30 this afternoon where I will do a short presentation about my favorite Windows PowerShell tricks. It will be cool.

Ed Wilson and Glenn Sizemore on Practical PowerShell

The big thing today is my Birds-of-a-Feather session with Glenn Sizemore. Glenn works for NetApp and is a judge in the 2013 Scripting Games. He is a previous winner of the Scripting Games and retired a couple years ago from competition. He has served as a judge for the last two years. The session is Practical PowerShell, and it is at 3:15 in room 263. You should plan to get there early for this one because my session on Monday filled to capacity, and they turned away more than 150 people!

Plan now to attend the PowerShell 4.0 Desired State Configuration lab

I spent about three weeks working on writing the Windows PowerShell 4.0 Desired State Configuration instructor led lab. I am doing this session with Hemant Mahawar, who is a senior program manager on the Windows PowerShell team. This lab is your chance to be one of the first people in the world to actually use and play with this exciting new technology. The lab is on Thursday morning at 8:30 in Hall B ILL room 3. Don’t miss this lab.



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