Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to set the primary and secondary DNS server addresses for a client.
I recently changed the IP address scheme for an entire subnet. How can I use Windows PowerShell to set the
primary and secondary DNS server addresses for the client workstations?
Use the Set-DNSClientServerAddress cmdlet, and specify the primary and the secondary DNS servers as
an array, for example:
Set-DNSClientServerAddress –interfaceIndex 12 –ServerAddresses (“”,””)
What is the significance of the InterfaceIndex? How can you know which one to chose? In my case, for example, the index interface I want is 7.
Hi I was just playing with this and I am not sure if your are still having an issue. If you use -interfacealias Ethernet*
Set-DnsClientServerAddress -interfacealias Ethernet* -serveraddresses (“,”)
This should change all wired connections DNS servers. I had to do this so I can set the secondary DNS for Static IP addresses in a SCCM task sequence
DNS servers are interface-dependent. With the InterfaceIndex, you can define for which interface you change the DNS settings. Alternatively, you can define the interface with -InterfaceAlias. Both values are retrievable with the command Get-NetIPInterface.