Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to parse a folder that contains data dumps.
Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. This morning I got up, and headed to the Farmers Market in town. I picked up a fresh melon for breakfast and some locally made cheese. Melon and cheese with a nice up of English Breakfast tea…not a bad meal.
I am sitting on the back porch, munching melon, sipping tea, and checking my email on my Surface Pro 3. (The cheese was pretty much gone as soon as I sliced it—not saying what happened to it, just that it did not make it to the porch.)
I decided that I need to do one more thing for my Data Manipulation Week. I am going to modify the function from yesterday (see A Function to Clean Up Data Import), so that I can pass a file or a folder full of files to it, and do the data transformation.
The situation
I have a folder that contains several data dumps. In fact, some of the data dumps are not even germane to my database. Luckily, the data dumps that I need all begin with the word DataDump. Here is a look at the DataIn folder:
The DataDump2.csv file contains a couple of additional records—in fact, there are a couple new errors that I did not see in my previous DataDump file (such as a capital “O” in the street name ROck Query Road. This is shown here:
Dude, how hard is that? Not very…
When I first thought about parsing a directory and finding all the DataDump files, I thought, well…like…I will need to write a new script.
But I do not have to do that. The reason is that I have a nice function that accepts a path to a file. So all I need to do is to collect my paths to files, and I am set. To do that, I use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet, and I specify that I want to recurse through the folder. I can use the –filter parameter to specify that I only want files that begin with the word DataDump.
When I have a collection of FileInfo objects that point to the CSV files, I want to process each of the files and run my Convert-Data function on them. Here is the command I use (gci is an alias for Get-ChildItem and % is an alias for ForEach-Object):
gci C:\DataIn -Filter datadump* -Recurse | % {Convert-Data -path $_.FullName}
That is it. I did not need to write a script to do this.
A new consolidated CSV file…
Now I need a new consolidated CSV file so that I can use it to import data into my new database. No problem, I use the previous command (I simply use the Up arrow). Then at the end, I pipe it to Export-CSV and I point it to the DataOut folder. Here is the command:
gci C:\DataIn -Filter datadump* -Recurse | % {Convert-Data -path $_.FullName} | Export-Csv -Path C:\DataOut\DataDumpOut.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
And here is the newly created CSV file:
Join me tomorrow when I will begin a discussion about tuples…you will love it.
I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook. If you have any questions, send email to me at, or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum. See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.
Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy