Dortmund, Geneva, Zurich


Summary: Our trip now takes us from the Netherlands to Dortmund to Geneva and then on to Zurich.

Well, the Scripting Wife and I had a wonderful time at the first-ever Dutch PowerShell user group. I delivered two presentations and made dozens of new contacts and friends. The following day, Jeff Wouters took Teresa and me out and showed us around. On the way, Teresa made a new friend as seen here.

Teresa and horse

Of course, no trip to the Netherlands is complete without a picture of a windmill. So, here is the windmill.


Teresa and I have known Jeff as an active participant in the PowerShell community for years. He has written guest blog entries and has been active in the Scripting Games. He is a great blogger and a tremendous Windows PowerShell advocate.

So, we got on the train that evening and headed to Dortmund, Germany, where we were to spend the day with Windows PowerShell Guru Klaus Schulte. We took the time to visit a museum of an old coal mine. It was fascinating.

Mine tower

The next day, we left and went to Geneva so we could visit Cern. It was well worth the trip. Here is Teresa playing with “lightening in a bottle.” It is cool the way it follows you around.

Teresa lightning Cern

The visit to the Atlas control room was awesome, and they gave a very interesting presentation.  Here is a picture of me outside the control room.

Ed at Cern Atlas control

One of the very interesting things about Cern is that they generate in one year 1 percent of the total data the world stores. That is a lot of data. They replicate the data to remote sites for coalition, and then finally to other sites for analysis. This sounds like a typical three-tier database application. On site, they are using 10 GB switched links to the workstations.

I am thinking I could use Windows PowerShell to work with the data …

Get-InterestingEvent | Select Higgs_Boson | Out-GridView

After all, PowerShell is PowerShell is PowerShell.


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