App Dev Manager Bryan Soltis takes a walk through automation and integration using Azure Logic Apps!
The easiest way to understand what automations are possible in Azure is to just think of anything. Basically, you can string together almost everything in the cloud, and usually within a few clicks. For Azure Logic Apps, that’s especially true, because of how the service was created. Built on Microsoft Flow and tightly woven into the Azure ecosystem, Logic Apps are an extremely powerful tool for your dev arsenal.
Azure Logic Apps allow you architect and design workflows and process, all from within a slick UI within the Azure portal. You add conditions and steps to your workflow, building out the functionality you want. To add to the fun, there are a ton of built-in integrations to all your Microsoft favorites, like 0365, Azure Functions, Cognitive Services, and maybe even Clippy! (probably not that last one, but you get the idea). Because everything is connected by Azure on the back-end, you can quickly access and automate all sorts of actions within your systems, without even writing a single line of code.