Learn about the container orchestrator, Service Fabric, and how to use Service Fabric Reverse Proxy for container services in Monu’s latest post. Monu Bambroo is a Consultant on the Premier Developer team.
Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and containers. Service Fabric also addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing cloud native applications. It is also an orchestrator of services across a cluster of machines and it is continuing to invest heavily in container orchestration and management. In this blog post, we will check out how to use Service Fabric Reverse Proxy for container services.
Container services are encapsulated, individually deployable components that run as isolated instances on the same kernel to take advantage of virtualization that an operating system provides. Thus, each application and its runtime, dependencies, and system libraries run inside a container with full, private access to the container’s own isolated view of operating system constructs. Microservices running inside containers in Service Fabric run on a subset of nodes. Service Fabric orchestration is responsible for service discovery, resolution and routing. As a result, the endpoint for the services running inside the container can change dynamically.
Read more of Monu’s post here.