October 24th, 2017

PIX survey – we want to hear from you!

In January we released the first version of PIX on Windows to the public. As we’re approaching the end of the year, we would like to hear from you.

Please take a moment and let us know what you think about PIX on Windows. Does it work for you? Does it make your games better? Your input is important, and it helps us build a better tool for you.

Please click this PIX Survey link to send us a mail with your answers to the questions below.

The expected replies are listed in parentheses after each question. If you have additional feedback, please feel free to add to the questions below.

Thanks from the PIX on Windows team!

PIX on Windows Survey

Do you use PIX? (Yes/No) If you answered no, please feel free to skip the questions below and send us a few words about why you don’t use PIX.

Does PIX help you improve your games? (1-5) 1: PIX doesn’t add any value 3: PIX is a useful tool 5: PIX is vital for making great games

Compared to similar tools does PIX meet your expectations when it comes to features? (1-5) 1: PIX is missing essential features 3: PIX meets my expectations 5: PIX exceeds my expectations

Compared to similar tools does PIX meet your expectations when it comes to performance? (1-5) 1: PIX is too slow to be useful 3: PIX meets my expectations 5: PIX exceeds my expectations

Compared to similar tools does PIX meet your expectations when it comes to stability? (1-5) 1: PIX is too buggy to be useful 3: PIX meets my expectations 5: PIX exceeds my expectations

Do you get the support you need to use PIX effectively to support your game development? (1-5) 1: The product team doesn’t support PIX well 3: The product team is helpful resolving PIX issues 5: The product team is very helpful and resolves issues quickly

How would you summarize your impression of PIX? (text)

What would you like the PIX team to focus on? (text)




Discussion are closed.
