February 1st, 2019

PIX 1901.28 – Timing Data Improvements and support for new GPUs

Today we released PIX-1901.28, which can be downloaded here. In this release we’ve made improvements to Timing Data in GPU Captures, added support for new GPUs from NVIDIA and AMD, and fixed miscellaneous other issues described below.

Timing Data Improvements for GPU Captures

We have significantly reworked how PIX collects Timing Data in GPU Captures. Improvements include:

  • Timing Data is now supported on NVIDIA Turing GPUs (such as an RTX 2080)
  • Collecting Timing Data is 50% faster on Intel GPUs
  • Timing Data is more consistent and reliable on all GPUs
  • Collecting Timing Data, Occupancy, and Dr PIX are faster for captures that use Tiled Resources

Radeon 7 and Turing support

This release adds support for AMD Radeon 7 GPUs and NVIDIA Turing GPUs (such as an RTX 2080). This means that a rich set of hardware performance counters is now available in PIX for all modern NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel GPUs. Many thanks to our partners at these companies for making this possible!

GPU Counters can be accessed via the GPU Capture Event List:

Other Changes

  • Fixed miscellaneous issues while capturing overlapping placed resources
  • Fixed capture failure if ID3D12Heaps weren’t resident when capture was started
  • Fixed potential playback issue on prerelease builds of Windows (19H1)
  • Fixed out-of-memory issue reported by customer while collecting Occupancy on AMD RX470
  • Fixed potentially empty GPU captures if application uses DXGI_PRESENT_TEST
  • Fixed potential invalid handle error seen when closing a window under GPU capture
  • Miscellaneous perf improvements
    • After Start Analysis, subsequent playbacks for certain applications that create a lot of resources in writable states will be much faster
    • Faster playback for raytracing applications
    • Much faster acceleration structure visualization for raytracing applications
  • Fixed issue that could result in the texture viewer showing the wrong texture slice
  • Fixed issue causing Dr PIX MSAA experiment to potentially measure the wrong events
  • Fixed sporadic occupancy failure with small GPU captures on fast PCs

Known Issues

We are aware of some issues collecting GPU Counters for some large PIX captures on NVIDIA Turing architecture. We are working to fix these issues in a future PIX release. As usual, if you encounter a problem then please use the feedback button in the top-right corner of PIX to contact us.




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