.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

.NET 4 Beta 2 is here!

The .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 is now available! MSDN Subscribers can download it today, and it will be generally available for download on Wednesday.  More information is available at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/dd582936.aspx.  Additionally, one of the really exciting things about this Beta release is that it’s &...

Parallel Computing Presentations in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee

In a week, I’m going to be traveling through Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, speaking about parallel computing, Visual Studio 2010, and .NET 4, primarily at corporations during the day and at user groups in the evenings.If you’re in the area and interested, please do attend, and I look forward to meeting you!  A list ...

Implementing Parallel While with Parallel.ForEach

The Parallel class in .NET 4 includes methods that implement three parallel constructs: parallelized for loops (Parallel.For), parallelized foreach loops (Parallel.ForEach), and parallelized statement regions (Parallel.Invoke).  One of the interesting things about Parallel.Invoke is that, in some cases and at least in the current ...

Cancellation in Parallel Extensions

One of the great features that crosses all of Parallel Extensions types is a consistent approach to cancellation (see https://blogs.msdn.com/pfxteam/archive/2009/05/22/9635790.aspx). In this post we explore some of the ways cancellation is used in Parallel Extensions and explain the guidance we developed. The new cancellation system is a ...