Showing results for August 2009 - .NET Parallel Programming

Aug 30, 2009

The meaning of TaskStatus

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

Every System.Threading.Tasks.Task instance goes through a lifecycle, and it only makes this journey once.  To provide insight into where in that lifecycle a given Task is, the Task class provides an instance Status property.  That property returns a value from the TaskStatus enumeration that reflects the current point in the lifecycle.&ld...

Task Parallel Library.NET 4
Aug 12, 2009

Implementing Parallel While with Parallel.ForEach

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

The Parallel class in .NET 4 includes methods that implement three parallel constructs: parallelized for loops (Parallel.For), parallelized foreach loops (Parallel.ForEach), and parallelized statement regions (Parallel.Invoke).  One of the interesting things about Parallel.Invoke is that, in some cases and at least in the current implementatio...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel LibraryCode Samples
Aug 4, 2009

Parallel Extensions and I/O

Danny Shih
Danny Shih

In this post, we’ll investigate some ways that Parallel Extensions can be used to introduce parallelism and asynchrony to I/O scenarios. Here’s a simple scenario.  I want to retrieve data from a number of web resources. static string[] Resources = new string[] {     "", "",   ...

Task Parallel Library.NET 4PLINQ