August 27th, 2023

Important Notice: Update your Azure Toolkit to latest version before September 30, 2023

Jialuo Gan
Program Manager

We would like to inform you that the Docker host feature in Azure Toolkit will be affected by some internal architecture changes related to Azure Active Directory Graph API. For more details, please visit this page 

Please follow the steps below to check your versions of Azure Toolkit and update them if needed: 

  • If you are using Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ, do the following: 
    • Open the IntelliJ IDEA, click File > Settings, navigate to Marketplace tab, search for “Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ”. 
    • If it is lower than 3.39.0 (for example: 3.38.0), please update it to a version higher than 3.79.0. before September 30, 2023 
  • If you are using Azure Toolkit for Eclipse, do the following: 
    • Open the Eclipse IDE, click the Help menu, navigate to Eclipse Marketplace, search for “Azure Toolkit for Eclipse”. 
    • If it is lower than 3.24.0 (for example: 3.23.0), please update it to a version higher than 3.31.0. before September 30, 2023. 

To avoid any disruptions, we strongly recommend that you update your Azure Toolkit to the latest version before September 30, 2023. The Docker host feature may stop working after that date. If you have questions, please create a support request on our official GitHub Issues page. 


Jialuo Gan
Program Manager

PM at Microsoft, currently focus on Java Azure Tooling Area. Keep moving to explore everything with curiosity!


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