March 20th, 2024

March 2024: A look at the latest Microsoft Entra key feature releases, announcements, and updates

Adam Matthews
| Content Writer

Welcome to the March edition of our monthly developer update, where we dive into the latest news and announcements in Microsoft Entra. We’ve rolled out several significant enhancements, from new Generally Available (GA) Microsoft Entra ID Protection capabilities to Conditional Access updates which are under Public Preview. These updates can significantly streamline your workflow and security processes. You’ll find key information about these developments as well as links to further guidance, helping you integrate these updates effectively into your projects.

What went Generally Available (GA) since Feb 2024

New Public Previews

  • Authentication Flows for Conditional Access: This feature introduces the capability to configure Conditional Access (CA) policies to restrict or block the usage of specific authentication flows. The initial release of this feature is limited to device code flow and authentication transfer.

  • Conditional Access – Require reauthentication every time: A new CA policy option that requires users to interactively reauthenticate—by providing their credentials again—before they access critical applications or take sensitive actions on any resource protected by CA.

News, updates, and resources

Workshop on-demand recordings

  • Microsoft identity platform: Explore modern authentication and authorization foundations and adding authentication to an app and learn about token customization and best practices for protecting an API.

  • Identity workshop: Explore what the Microsoft identity platform provides for developers, principles of modern authentication, and migrating apps from ADAL to Microsoft authentication library (MSAL).

Identity Blog


Stay connected and informed

This blog post aims to keep you informed and engaged with the latest Microsoft Entra developments, helping you harness these new features and capabilities in your identity development journey.

To learn more or test out features in the Microsoft Entra suite of products, visit our developer center. Make sure you subscribe to the Identity blog for more insights and to keep up with the latest on all things Identity. And, follow us on YouTube for video overviews, tutorials, and deep dives.


Adam Matthews
| Content Writer


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