March 19th, 2025

C++ Dynamic Debugging: Full Debuggability for Optimized Builds

David Li
Game Dev Product Manager

Over the past 5 years, we’ve had many incredible opportunities to engage with game developers. From AAA studios to indie developers, the passion for slashing iteration times is significant. Amidst all the fantastic feedback we’ve received for Visual Studio, one sentiment has rung loud and clear: a desire to debug optimized C++ code without sacrificing performance. Although game developers have voiced this need the loudest, we know that solving this issue will benefit many other C++ workflows. While we’ve consistently rolled out many productivity and performance enhancements over the years, debugging optimized code has always been at the top of everyone’s wish list.

Current Issues with Debugging Optimized Code

Through our conversations with game developers, we’ve heard about some common problems when debugging optimized code:

  • Trying to inspect locals often yields the “Variable is optimized away” message in the watch window.
  • Step-over and step-into don’t always step over, or into, the expected code paths.
  • Losing time while iterating with #pragma optimize to try and undo optimizations, requiring a rebuild and restart of the debugger.

Thanks to your feedback, the team has been hard at work to come up with a creative solution.

Announcing: C++ Dynamic Debugging

We are thrilled to announce that C++ Dynamic Debugging is now available as a preview feature exclusively with the MSVC toolset. This feature dynamically deoptimizes code that you set breakpoints on or step into, giving you the performance of optimized code with the debugging experience of unoptimized code.

Try C++ Dynamic Debugging today in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.14 Preview 2.

Image before
Without C++ Dynamic Debugging

Image after
With C++ Dynamic Debugging

“The new feature is exceptional. I now have reliable stepwise debugging, variable inspection, and program counter jumping without needing to recompile with pragma optimize.”

– Jess Kube, Principal Software Engineer, The Coalition

Using it daily, the new feature improved my ability to debug and investigate quicker. I don’t need to manually deoptimize my files anymore”

– Matthew Koch, Principal Software Engineer, Halo Studios

“With the new feature, breakpoints in inlined functions will now be hit. Previously, I had to use a debug build or #pragma optimize and remember to remove it before code review”

– Keith Stockdale, Senior Software Engineer, Rare

Getting Started with C++ Dynamic Debugging

You only need a few short clicks to turn on C++ Dynamic Debugging for your project. After activating these options, you must rebuild to start using C++ Dynamic Debugging.

MSBuild C++ Projects

To begin, change your configuration to Release mode. Next, right-click on your project and click on Properties to open the Configuration Properties menu. In this menu, click on Advanced > Use C++ Dynamic Debugging > Yes. Lastly, rebuild your project.

Setting this property will turn off Whole Program Optimization.

screenshot of configuration properties activating C++ dynamic debugging
Configuration Properties

Other Build Systems

  • Pass the new /dynamicdeopt switch to cl.exe, lib.exe, and link.exe
  • For Unreal Engine developers, UE 5.6 will support the bDynamicDebugging Windows platform flag.

Please see documentation for more details.

System Requirements

  • Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.14 Preview 2
  • MSVC Toolset 19.44
  • X64 architecture
  • Not compatible with LTCG, PGO, OPT-ICF flags

Using C++ Dynamic Debugging

Turning on C++ Dynamic Debugging and rebuilding unlocks familiar debugging patterns for optimized code without compromising on performance.


Your breakpoints will get hit in deoptimized code. Look for the [Deoptimized] tag in the Call Stack window to know that you can view all your locals.

Conditional and Dependent Breakpoints

Set Conditional and Dependent Breakpoints as if the code was unoptimized; you can add conditional breakpoints to variables that have been optimized away in your optimized binaries.

Stepping Actions

Step Over to the next line of your source code as if the code was unoptimized.

Image step over in visual studio
Stepping Actions

Step In to any function, and those functions will be deoptimized as well. In addition, Step In will now step into __forceinline functions.

Image forceinline code in lyra sample project
Step Into __forceinline functions

Set Next Statement

Using Set Next Statement in a deoptimized frame works as if the code was unoptimized.

Image set next statement
Set Next Statement

Call Stack Window

In your Call Stack window, you will see that any frames that have been deoptimized will have a [deoptimized] tag.

Image call stack window
Call Stack Window

Visual Studio only deoptimizes the frame corresponding to your breakpoint or functions stepped into. Frames higher up in the call stack remain optimized for performance. You can select additional frames in the Call Stack window and click “Deoptimize on next entry” to deoptimize those functions when they are entered the next time.

Image deoptnextentry

Managing “Deoptimize on next entry” breakpoints

Breakpoints added through “Deoptimize on next entry” are listed in the Breakpoints window. You can export these Breakpoints for later use. To return your application to full optimization, delete these breakpoints.

Image deoptbps
Deoptimized Breakpoints

Middleware Support

We have been working closely with our middleware partners to ensure that C++ Dynamic Debugging works with popular middleware tools.

Unreal Engine

In Unreal Engine version 5.6, Unreal Build Tool and Unreal Build Accelerator will support C++ Dynamic Debugging natively. To try the feature today, please manually apply the change, temporarily disable Unreal Build Accelerator, and see our documentation for more details.


IncrediBuild 10.24 or later supports C++ Dynamic Debugging.


To use C++ Dynamic Debugging with FastBuild, please see this Pull Request.

Xbox GDK

Out-of-the-box support for C++ Dynamic Debugging will be available in an April 2025 update. To try this feature today, please refer to the official GDK documentation.

Overhead Considerations

While using C++ Dynamic Debugging, it’s important to acknowledge the following considerations. Despite these overhead costs, we are confident that your overall iteration time will benefit significantly.

File Output Size

In our assessments, using a modified version of the Lyra Sample project, we observed a 2.4x increase in the build output size.

Build Time

End-to-end Build Time

Depending on the project, we saw an increase in end-to-end build time ranging from 1.05x to 1.15x.

Iteration Build Time

For small and medium-sized binaries, the increase in iteration build time was less than 1.2x. For larger binaries, such as monolithic games, the increase was up to 1.8x.

Mitigations for Iteration Build Time

If the increase in iteration time is too burdensome for large binaries, you can try the undocumented /d2DDTrimInlines compiler switch. This switch, subject-to-change and removal, reduces the iteration time overhead from 1.8x to 1.4x at the cost of increased end-to-end build time. The switch also removes the ability to step into small __forceinline/inline functions.

Known Issues

By design:

Fixed in Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 3:

Active Issues:


Try C++ Dynamic Debugging today: Experience the benefits of debug builds and the speed of optimized builds.

C++ Dynamic Debugging is a preview feature. Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on debugging optimized code. This feature would not have been possible without your feedback. We love to hear how much time this feature has saved you and how you’re incorporating it into your workflow. Furthermore, we invite you to keep sending feedback so we can make C++ Dynamic Debugging even better. We truly appreciate your feedback and encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts and ideas with us through Developer Community, X (@VisualC), or email at














David Li
Game Dev Product Manager

I am a video game developer focused PM on the Visual C++ Team. Talk to me about video games!


  • Юрій Бабій (Brotipok) · Edited

    Hi! I researching this new feature. And in two word. How is this different or similar with /Zo /Zi flags for builds?

    • Eric BrumerMicrosoft employee

      /Zo /Zi will try its best to give you locals & inlining information for *optimized code*, but it often means missing frames, missing local variables, and stepping doesn't work as you would expect it to. This new feature (adding the /dynamicdeopt switches) will provide a new experience when debugging optimized code: you'll view all your locals and stepping works as you expect.

      The best way to understand is to try it out yourself! has a complete example with instructions on what to look for. We start with normal 'Release' mode debugging, and then show the power of C++ Dynamic Debugging...

      Read more
  • Ferdinand Oeinck 1 day ago · Edited

    Only for x64 code! But does it work on the ARM64 version of Visual Studio? I tried it, but the compiler and linker failed on a x64 build :

    cl : command line  warning D9002: ignoring unknown option '/dynamicdeopt'


    error MSB6006: "link.exe" exited with code 1257.
    14>Done building project "Gitter.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    • Eric BrumerMicrosoft employee

      Hi Ferdinand, if you are running cl.exe from Hostx86\x64, or from Hostarm64\x64, then this a known bug that will be fixed in 17.14 Preview 3. Try using the Hostx64\x64 compiler on your ARM64 version of visual studio (open the x64 native command prompt) if you need a workaround in the mean time.

      If you’re not sure which exact cl.exe is being used, add the /Bv switch to the C/C++ -> Additional Options page, then build, and the output should make it clear which cl.exe is being used.

  • 1 Unmei 6 days ago

    im a little curious about what the difference between cmake build type ‘RelWithDebInfo’ with this

    • Eric BrumerMicrosoft employee

      Hi, RelWithDebInfo is a very common “Release” mode: optimizations are enabled, and debug symbols are created to help with debugging. However, when you _actually_ debug RelWithDebInfo builds, you are debugging optimized code, and hit the struggles outlined in this blog post. RelWithDebInfo, _plus_ the /dynamicdeopt switch will enable C++ dynamic debugging, and yield the debugging benefits outlined in this post.

      Please give it a shot and let us know what you think!

  • Timo Suikat

    Would this be able to display locals when the debugger halts from an exception rather than an explicitly placed breakpoint? Say, for example, you hit an assert and want to know how you got there.

    • Eric BrumerMicrosoft employee

      (pasting my reply to here, where I meant to put it originally)

      To keep maximum performance, all functions are kept optimized until you take a debug action (add a breakpoint, or step-in). So a debugger break/halt (or a data breakpoint) will bring up the debugger in an optimized frame.

      For these cases, you can choose the functions you want in the callstack window and choose “Deoptimize on next entry”, and then rerun the debugger. The list of deoptimized functions is maintained across debug sessions, and is exportable/importable in the Breakpoints window (and really they are just disabled breakpoints).

  • GlassBeaver

    This sounds very exciting! Care to share any low-level details on how the optimized & unoptimized code are correlated?

    • Eric BrumerMicrosoft employee

      Hi, is our documentation with more specifics. One link invocation produces both optimized & unoptimized binaries, and we have a tight coupling between the two. The coupling starts with a Debug Directory Entry in the optimized binary that points to the unoptimized one. Both binaries have their own PDBs, and things get more specific from there.