January 6th, 2007

Orcas Team Build Continuous Integration spec is now available

Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Back in early December, I wrote the post, More on the Orcas features for Team Build, that described many of the new features that we are adding for Orcas, elaborating on what Brian Harry had written in his TFS Roadmap post.  I’m very happy to say that later in December, we finished the implementation of those features, and they’ll be in the next CTP.

A few days ago, we published the specification for Continuous Integration and the other features that we have added to Team Build.  It’s available in Team Foundation Server section of the Feature Specifications for Visual Studio and .NET Framework “Orcas” page.  Here’s the direct link: Continuous Integration.

Before you think, “Wow, a spec, how dull,” take a look at it.  It’s fewer than 20 pages of Visio wireframes of the GUI.  There’s no dense text to wade through.  Please check it out and post your comments, either here or on that site.  Unfortunately, the TFS Specification Feedback link takes you to a page where the two choices for feedback are Get Latest on Checkout and Annotate.  Hopefully, that’ll be fixed next week.

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Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering, Azure DevOps