I’m excited to see the recent surge in community activities around Team Services. Many meetups are taking place around the world in June/July where you can go and talk to Team Services users and fans in your area about some of the new features we’ve released recently and get some Team Services swag as well. You can also meet members of the engineering team in a few of these. The Team Services user community is increasingly engaging with each other and with us on Stackoverflow and Quora. We’re also getting a lot of great feature requests via our UserVoice site and via “Send a Smile” within Team Services. We’ve been engaging more and more with our customers lately to share our own Agile and Devops journey and we’re now seeing more stories come from their journey with us. See how Alaska Airlines and Shell are loving and using Team Services at an enterprise scale. In addition, to bring our team even closer to the community, we’re starting a new blog series called Inside Visual Studio Team Services. Each month, members of the Team Services engineering and marketing teams will talk about how they build the product as well as use it every day, in addition to sharing some useful tips and tricks they’ve picked up over time. Finally, we have some new videos showing a quick lap of Agile, Git and Release capabilities Please leave a comment and tell us about your Team Services experience. I hope you can make it to a meetup in your area! Brian
June 8th, 2016
Visual Studio Team Services Community Updates

Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President
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