November 20th, 2014

Special Offers from Visual Studio Partners

Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Last week at our Connect(); event in New York City, we made some big announcements regarding our ecosystem from a developer as well as a partner point of view.  In addition to those announcements, I wanted to call your attention to special offers for MSDN subscribers from some of our top Visual Studio partners.  You can also check out this short video on Channel 9 to learn more about the partner ecosystem and these great offers.

These offers are live on the MSDN Special offers page and include:


Image 0552 clip image004 thumb 359441AE Connect LeanKit Kanban boards to a VSO account

Offer: 20% off annual LeanKit subscription for Visual Studio Online.

Image 5355 clip image006 thumb 4770D57B Generate formal requirements from Office products

Offer: SmartOffice4TFS new family member: RequirementsToolkit4TFS. Get it for 30% off.  Migrate on-premise TFS and other ALM products to VSO

Image 2234 clip image008 thumb 35280EB9 Offer: Get OpsHub Quick Start Package for only US$9,999.  Test on a real device in the cloud, issues show up as Work items in VSO
Image 8424 clip image010 thumb 49AD5E37 Offer: Improve Quality and Speed Up Your Mobile App Test Cycles on Real Devices in the Cloud.  Analytics Workbench hosted in Azure for all types of apps
Image 4237 clip image011 thumb 251BD0B3  

Offer: Our Chance at a First Impression. 30% off of PreEmptive Analytics App Launch Service.  Sync and integration of VSO with Jira and 23 other products

Image 8030 clip image013 thumb 4BE9E6F3 Offer: Up to 85% off Tasktop Integration for TFS and VS Online.
Image 2677 clip image015 thumb 0BB3CD79 Trigger VSO builds of .NET and other apps in TeamCity

Offer: 50% off New TeamCity Enterprise Server Licenses.

Image 5241 clip image017 thumb 14A35FB8 Integrate community feedback into VSO

Offer: 50% off all UserVoice plans for the 1st year.  Real-time interactive sharing of VSO backlogs, code reviews, builds, test, deployment etc.

Image 2502 clip image019 thumb 546D463D Offer: 2 Months FREE VS Anywhere for Visual Studio from Azure Store.
***UPDATE Dec-8 2014***

We just added another partner offer with Team Companion

Image 8712 image thumb 4734E40B

Bridge the gap between stakeholders and developers.  Offer: 20% off TeamCompanion for Visual Studio Online/TFS


Whether you are an ISV who wants to integrate a product of service with Visual Studio or Visual Studio Online, or if you are a developer or customer who wants to take advantage of these great special offers, here are some links that you will find useful.





Brian Harry
Corporate Vice President

Corporate Vice President for Cloud Developer Services.


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