Showing results for Security - Azure SQL Devs’ Corner

Apr 24, 2023

Using Ledger in Azure SQL Database

Brian Spendolini
Brian Spendolini

Transactions have to be protected and you need to know when something is altered or prevent altering of records from the start. Ledger, available in Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2022, helps to protect your database and establish trust, accuracy and integrity in your data. Ledger accomplishes this goal in a couple of ways. First, it provides...

Azure SQLAzure Data StudioLedger
Apr 25, 2020

10 reasons to use Azure SQL in your next project

Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri

There are many database technologies available on Azure that you can choose from. Why would you use Azure SQL? Let me show you why, using just 10 simple points: from JSON support to ColumnStore, through Geospatial and Temporal queries, Non-Blocking transaction, Encryption and Row-Level Security and the amazing Intelligent Query Optimizer.

Azure SQL