Showing results for Notification Hubs - Azure Notification Hubs Blog

Jul 31, 2023

FCM v1 Migration Steps (Preview)

Heather Tian
Heather Tian

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) legacy API will be deprecated by Jul 2024. The ANH team is preparing so customers can begin migrating from Legacy HTTP protocol to FCM v1. Customers may start this migration process March 1, 2024 and will need to be migrated by June 2024. No action is required at this time, further instructions will be made available ...

Jul 19, 2023

New high availability features for Azure Notification Hubs (Preview)

Heather Tian
Heather Tian

We are excited to announce that the new high availability features Availability Zones and flexible disaster recovery are now available for preview for your ANH push notifications. Azure Notification Hubs currently offers default paired secondary regions that act as a backup in case of a regional outage. If the primary region becomes unavailable, AN...

Jul 6, 2023

Migrating Notification Hubs from FCM Legacy HTTP to FCM v1

Heather Tian
Heather Tian

Update as of June 2023: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a service that, among other things, facilitates developers sending push notifications to Google Play supported Android devices. ANH currently communicates with FCM using the Legacy HTTP protocol. FCM v1 is an updated API that offers more features and capabilities. Google announced that they...

Aug 5, 2021

Targeting Random Users

Martin Strobel
Martin Strobel

Computer systems are notorious for being able to do many precise operations quickly, but struggling to do things at random. Imagine you want to A/B test two different notifications on a small set of your user base before broadcasting a promotional offer to everyone. How would you choose two random subsets of your users? How would you make sure that...

Mar 26, 2021

Bintray Sunset

Martin Strobel
Martin Strobel

Bintray Sunset Since Azure Notification Hubs published its first SDKs to JFrog's Bintray in April of 2016, many other Azure services have joined us and started publishing Java SDKs. However, this led to some divergence, with other SDKs by-and-large being published on Maven Central. This has long been a papercut we've wanted to fix, but without any...

Jan 7, 2021

Use Templates Effectively

Martin Strobel
Martin Strobel

Every time development of a new mobile app starts, one of the first questions that needs to be answered is, "How are we going to support both iOS and Android?" Deciding on a technology to build the client-side app logic and UI alone is complicated enough, extending client specific knowledge into your backend is only going to exacerbate that pain. ...

Nov 24, 2020


Thejaswini Somasundaram
Thejaswini Somasundaram

Welcome blog to the Azure Notification Hubs service