January 8th, 2020

Top Xamarin Videos of 2019

James Montemagno
Principal Manager, Tech PM

Each week, we bring to you great developer content and deep dives from the team and community in the form of Xamarin videos. In addition to our regularly scheduled shows you will find the Xamarin Community Standups and event recordings including the Xamarin Developer Summit. This last year we crushed every single milestone we set for ourselves including new videos and video views. In addition to breaking the 50,000 subscriber count! We want to give a huge “Thank You” to all of you that watched, commented, and subscribed.

New Series

Earlier this year we re-launched the Xamarin Developers YouTube channel as a compliment to our shows that we publish on Channel 9.

Additionally, 2019 also launched several brand new series for Xamarin developers. Including the 11 part Xamarin 101 series and Partly Cloudy with Matt Soucoup. Partly Cloudy is the show where you will learn how to build a Xamarin.Forms app from scratch. Then walk all the way through deploying it to the App Stores. Along the way, you will see some Azure goodness sprinkled in to make a fully enabled, real-world, mobile app.

Logo for partly cloudy web series

Top Xamarin Videos from 2019

We also wanted to share the top watched videos from 2019! If you haven’t tuned into these videos yet or are re-watching them for the 10th time, you are in for a treat:

David Ortinau, Xamarin SDK & Xamarin.Forms Program Manager, informs about the latest features to love in Xamarin.Forms 4.0. Including Shell, visual, accessibility improvements, image optimizations, and tons more!


Dean Faizel, Microsoft Mobile Customer Advisory Team Engineer, joins James to talk through the best practices of using async and await in mobile development.


Jon Dick, aka Redth, Xamarin Components Development Lead, explains exactly what AndroiX/JetPacks/Components are and how Xamarin developers can start migrating their apps today!


Maddy Leger, Xamarin Program Manager, gives us a deep dive tour of using XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms – available now!


Michael Ridland, Microsoft MVP, shows off his awesome MVVM library for Xamarin.Froms MvvmFresh!


Subscribe Today

Thank you all for an amazing 2019! We look forward to bringing even more awesome developer content in 2020. Be sure to subscribe to the Xamarin Developers YouTube channel so you never miss an episode. Don’t have access to YouTube at your home or office? Don’t worry, search all of the great Xamarin content on Channel 9!


James Montemagno
Principal Manager, Tech PM

James Montemagno is a Principal Lead Program Manager for Developer Community at Microsoft. He has been a .NET developer since 2005, working in a wide range of industries including game development, printer software, and web services. Prior to becoming a Principal Program Manager, James was a professional mobile developer and has now been crafting apps since 2011 with Xamarin. In his spare time, he is most likely cycling around Seattle or guzzling gallons of coffee at a local coffee shop. He ...

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  • Heku

    Hi, most videos I had saw on Channel 9, I like Channel 9, it's great!
    But when I tried to find the Channel 9's mobile apps, it's very difficult to find them. I installed a old Channel 9 app on my phone (Android), but it doesn't work well after my OS updated, seems the app wasn't under maintenance any more. If I'm wrong, could you please share me the link to download that? If it's true, I think if would be great if you could write a new Channel 9 app via Xamarin, the app is really valuable, also maybe...

    Read more
    • James MontemagnoMicrosoft employee Author

      Thanks for the feedback. I talked to the channel 9 team and they said:

      “We have discontinued that app along with a few others. We encourage users to use native podcasting apps on each platform and subscribe the feeds for offline downloading, etc. Or you can use the YouTube app (where the majority of our content is hosted).”

      You can find all of the Xamarin content on Channel 9 at: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/XamarinShow

      • Heku

        Thank you, I’ll have a try with your first suggestion, I’m so sad I cannot access YouTube from China.